Are You a Believer?

believeI remember years ago when the word ‘Believe’ was a really important word for me.  I told myself that if I believed something enough, it would be true for me. I even bought things with the word ‘Believe’ on it and placed them around my home and office to remind me to believe in myself and my goals – a banner, a pewter stone, a mug.  Believe is still a word that stirs something within me and, now though, I have another word that has even more significance for me… The word is ‘knowing’.

Sometimes Believing is Just the Beginning

Yes, believing in something or someone is a great place to start. Believing you’ll get that new account, believing that your relationship will work, believing you can release the weight or the negativity – these beliefs can serve, inspire and motivate you to positive results. What I have found though is that ‘Knowing’ moves me at the level of my soul.

A Deep Inner Knowing Provides Ease, Peace and Strength

Think about the things in your life that you simply know to be true. It might be the depth of love you have for your children or spouse, or it might be the knowledge that there is a supreme being or higher source. It might even be the knowing that you are on a purposeful path in your life. You could say you believe these things or you could say you know them. For me, knowing is more powerful and inspiring. When I allow my inner guidance system to guide me from the seat of my soul, it is here that I learn what I ‘know’.

Getting to the Place of Knowing is a Sacred Experience

When you allow yourself to accept what you ‘know’ to be true, you feel empowered and strengthened beyond measure. When you ‘know’ what is right for you and you follow the path, no amount of resistance, drama or fear will hold you back. When you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a Child of God and deserving of all you desire, you feel at peace in your own skin. How do you get there? You can’t think your way into this one…you must ‘feel’ your way to it. You must allow the flow, allow the joy, allow the ease. You must open yourself to what is at the heart and of your being. You must simply choose to be. You can do this through silence and, stillness or you can do this through inspired action.  Either way, when you do this,

You Will ‘Know’ You have Found Your ‘Knowing’.

Now, that’s Powerful!


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About the Author:  Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of two books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.

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  1. Cecelia Inwentarz

    How wonderful to read about your differentiation between belief and knowing, with knowing most powerful. But don’t count out the stopping power of negative beliefs. 90% of what we believe is subconscious social conditioning and can counteract the 10% we consciously choose to act upon. So yes, Sue, I agree with using knowing as guidance; but we must bring all of our beliefs into conscious alignment with our knowing, or we have disconnect and disfunction. Thanks for providing this forum for sharing. Best, CeCe

  2. Sue Urda

    I agree with you. Our subconscious is so very powerful, and it is our awareness of these deep seated beliefs that is the first step into stepping into our true power!

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