Positivity vs. Negativity ~ What Wins Out?

Positivity vs. Negativity ~ What Wins Out? Sometimes it’s tough to stay positive. There’s certainly negativity all around us – newspapers, online news sources and TV news stations are filled with it. They use negativity for dramatic effect to improve ratings. There...

Sayings, Thoughts, and Attraction – & Superstition

I don’t really consider myself to be superstitious, and yet when Friday the 13th rolls around I must admit that I do think about it. I don’t schedule anything too important and I don’t plan anything with too many moving parts where something could go wrong. And if I...

Are you a Possibility Thinker?

I love developing new ideas and working on new projects. There is an element of excitement that goes into the planning, preparation, the dreaming and the philosophizing of it! I call this process ‘possibility thinking’ or ‘blue sky thinking’, meaning that the only...

Your Body Knows Everything

Today I am listening to my body. It is telling me torest and relax. A few days ago while we were out walking, Kathy and I decided to do some interval sprints. It felt pretty darn good to be flying down the street – I know it didn’t necessarily look that way...

More Heaven: Because Every Child Is Special

Dear Friends, I’m excited to be part of my friend/colleague, Dr. Jo Anne White’s book launch today for More Heaven: Because Every Child Is Special. More Heaven is a true inspirational story about never giving up and about bringing out the best  in our...
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