“The quality of our relationships equals the quality of our life.”
– Tony Robbins
Have you measured the quality of your relationships lately? On a business level, are the clients or your co-workers happy with the amount of time you spend with them? What about the quality of the service and products you deliver and the price they pay for what they receive? How do you know the answers to these questions? Is it just a feeling you have or have you had a conversation with them to “check in”?
And what about your family and friends? Are they happy with the amount of time and the quality of the time you spend together? Do you give a proportionate amount of quality attention to those who matter most to you? Have you asked them if there’s anything that could be improved – from their perspective. And have you shared with them how you feel the relationship is working?
Perhaps most important is the relationship you have with yourself. Are you happy with where you are in life? Do you treat yourself with kindness and loving compassion or are you too hard or too easy on yourself? Are you giving yourself every opportunity for growth, peace, joy, success, freedom, and wellness in every area of your life? Have you “checked in” with you?
Relationships = Life. If your relationships are healthy and thriving, chances are that you are healthy and thriving too. Yes, it’s pretty much that simple!
Now, that’s Powerful!
Wishing You Powerful Relationships,
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of three books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, Women Living Consciously and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are. www.sueurda.com www.powerfulyou.com
Sue, this is a simple, yet powerful concept that all aspects of our lives pretty much reflect the strength, health, and experiences of our relationships.
I just ordered and “dived” into your new book WOMEN LIVING CONSCIOUSLY. It is a powerful, inspiring read. I could not put it down. The women in this book are intelligent, inspirational, and empowered. The stories are raw, honest, authentic. I am buying several as gifts for my fellow friends and collegues.
I know you know all about relationships, and yes, it is quite simple really.
I’m so happy you enjoyed the book. These authors are courageous and inspired women and they dug deep so that others will be inspired and assisted on their own journeys. If you’d like a discount on the books for your friends as well as signed copies, please contact us through our website at: http://www.wlcbook.com