You have arrived at the 30-Day No-Complaints Transformation Challenge – and you are just in time!
Would you like to live in a space of EASE every day?
Would you like to feel better about the choices you make?
Would you like to feel happier and lighter on a regular basis?
It IS possible
All you have to do is make ONE SIMPLE CHANGE.
Sign Up Now for the 30-Day No-Complaints Transformation Challenge!
Whether you know it or not, you are in the midst of an amazing transformation simply by reading these words right now, because you are up-leveling your awareness to one of the most important aspects of your day-to-day life… WORDS.
Words play a HUGE role in the thoughts you think, the language you speak, and the conversations you take part in. Words and thoughts affect every part of your life because they are directly connected to your emotions. And since your life is constantly evolving and changing, the words you use and hear and the emotions you feel effect the moment you’re in, the people you connect with, and what shows up and manifests for you. And by the way, it doesn’t matter if these words are spoken out loud, they are self-talk, or they are thoughts you think… they all affect you because your conscious and subconscious mind is listening and processing them – that’s their job!.
You might not realize it, but if you’re like most people you complain throughout the day. You notice and speak about all the little things that aren’t as you’d like them to be. You lament when things don’t go your way. You complain when you’re delayed, disrespected, or disillusioned about your circumstances. And also like most people you’ve made it a habit that you’re not even aware of. You probably even think its “normal”.
If you’re looking to make a big shift towards a better-feeling life experience, you’ll want to stop complaining and make a Conscious Transformation. That’s what this Challenge is all about!
Let’s start by exploring where you are right now.
Is Your Transformation a Conscious One?
Watch The Transformation Movie first and then continue your journey below.
Sign Up Now for the 30-Day No-Complaints Transformation Challenge!
It is designed to change the brain, shift emotional patterns, and create habits to feel good in each moment no matter what’s going on around you.
My Promise to You:
I promise you that if you are vigilant and consistent with this one small Challenge for the next 30-days that your life will shift dramatically. You will recognize amazing improvements and ease in all areas of your life.
- Relationships, Friendships, Family
- Body Image, Health, Wellness
- Finances, Business, Career
- Self-Esteem, Confidence, Awareness
- Productivity, Achievements, Goals
- Spirituality, Connections, and Growth
Mostly, you will feel more accepting of yourself and others, more at ease with the world, less judgmental, more open, and grateful to be alive every day.
What’s Included in the Challenge:
- 30 daily emails with tips, hints, and practices to ease your transformation
- 4 weekly “check-in” calls –Ask questions, discuss Challenges, share stories
- Transformation Pledge to print and sign as a commitment and reminder
- Facebook group for connections and support with everyone taking the Challenge
This Challenge is currently underway, and you can still sign up to receive all 30 daily practices and lessons, because they’re posted in our facebook group.
Sign Up Now for the 30-Day No-Complaints Transformation Challenge!