Sue’s Blog Posts
50 Shades of Gray (Hair)
So last year, I decided to stop dying my hair. I know, I know, I hear your gasps, and I feel you scrolling to look at my picture. Yes, my hair is now mostly white and I’m still in my fifties. Before I made the decision, I posted a question on facebook, what is the...
Monsters in the Shadows
As children, we often conjured up monsters in the darkness of the night. These monsters were so real to us that we were unable to go to sleep, we called for our parents to rescue us and we even shook in our sheets. What we now know as adults is that there were no...
New Beginnings Ritual
Yes, it’s true… another year has passed and a new one lies before us. I don’t know about you, but for me this time of year is a mixed bag. I find myself looking back over the past year and counting my blessings, going over the many lessons I learned, and immersing...
Holiday Intentions
Holiday Intentions What the heck just happened? Have you ever thought these words to yourself? It’s the end of a day, or you’re walking out of a meeting, or you just tucked the kids into bed, and you wonder how the time passed so quickly … And you think to yourself:...
Discombobulated to Calm
Discombobulated to Calm Do you think you have everything planned for the day ahead? How about the week ahead? That's what I thought last week and then my whole week was upended by circumstances beyond my control. Nothing terrible happened - just a LOT of stuff that...
Peace is the Beginning, the Middle and the End In times of stress, struggle or unexpected mishaps, it seems that we are seeking peace as the end result. We want a peaceful circumstance, a peaceful resolution, and a peaceful mind. As Mohandas Ghandi said, “There is no...
Sure, being in a funk happens sometimes. Circumstances come about, stuff happens, people say things, life takes an unexpected turn, and suddenly we're on a downward spiral. FUNK is in our experience. And here's the deal... FUNK is a mind job. FUNK is a head case. It...
Gratitude is a Practice
Gratitude is a Practice Feeling grateful is something you have done on and off your whole life. As a child, you were in an almost constant state of gratitude, because you were always drawn to that which made you feel good. There are specific moments that are etched...
Positivity vs. Negativity ~ What Wins Out?
Positivity vs. Negativity ~ What Wins Out? Sometimes it’s tough to stay positive. There’s certainly negativity all around us – newspapers, online news sources and TV news stations are filled with it. They use negativity for dramatic effect to improve ratings. There...
Stop ‘shoulding’ on yourself.
Stop 'shoulding' on yourself. You are where you are because of every single thing you've done and said and thought up to this very moment. Every decision, person, and event has played a part. If you keep thinking things 'should' be different, you'll remain stuck in...
Waking Up Happy
Waking Up Happy How did you feel when you woke up this morning? Did you open your eyes and feel excited, energized, and well-rested? Did you have a sense of well-being and ease? Did you feel ready for this day? Was today a day you woke up happy? So many of us simply...
Blips on the Screen of Life
I’ve been thinking a lot lately how random life seems at times, and yet how purposeful it can be. It depends greatly on our thoughts and actions…and isn’t that always the case? Here are some musings on the topic. Blips on the Screen of Life There are occasional...
Happy Birthday to Me!
Yesterday was my birthday! I am basking in the glow of being celebrated and celebrating myself. And even though I celebrated all last week with fun little presents, a few dinners out, a marvelous dark chocolate and whipped cream cake, and had many people singing to me...
Positivity vs. Negativity ~ What Wins Out?
Do you have a desire to be positive, and yet, you’re having a tough time with it? This may help… Positivity vs. Negativity ~ What Wins Out? Sometimes it’s tough to stay positive. There’s certainly negativity all around us – newspapers, online news sources, and TV news...
Feel Good First
Your intention matters. Your mood matters. Your vibration matters. How you feel is infused in everything you do, it is reflected in the results of your actions, and it is what comes back to you. Set your intentions first. FEEL GOOD FIRST.
Time flies… Or does it?
Do you feel that time is flying by? Or is it just me? It seems like only yesterday I was taking down the Christmas decorations, forcing myself to remember to write 2017, and now it’s March 10th. What the heck? My Gram Urda used to say “Wait until you get older Sue,...
Change is in the Air
It’s January 19th, it’s a new year, and tomorrow we will have a new president here in the USA. No matter how you feel about the president, we can all agree that we are in for some changes. Change is inevitable. Change happens around us all the time. It is our ability...
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Yes, it’s January 11th, and we are still wishing people a Happy New Year. Why? Because the new year brings with it a sense of excitement, an opening for something ‘more or better’, and a world of possibility. Recently, we shared with you a New Year’s...
What Gift Did You Give Yourself?
The holidays have come and gone and a new year has begun. You probably spent lots of time and money buying, wrapping, and happily giving gifts to people you like, love, and appreciate. WHAT DID YOU GIVE THEM? -Things they would use. -Things that made their lives...
New Year’s Ritual
Yes, it’s true… another year has passed and a new one lies before us. I don’t know about you, and for me this time of year is a mixed bag. I find myself looking back over the past year and counting my blessings, going over the many lessons I learned, and immerse...
What’s Your Energetic Bandwidth?
I feel as though my bandwidth is being tested these days. It’s as though I can’t possibly fit all the people, productivity, and joy in my life that I am drawn to right now. I have made commitments in my business to deliver certain things that require my...
You Matter & Someone Loves You
Sometimes we find ourselves questioning the meaning of life. We wonder what our true purpose is. We ask questions like, why is life so hard, why is there so much suffering, and what am I really here for? Sometimes we even ask the question, why am I alive? I just...
The Nuance of Second Chances
A couple weeks ago I wrote an article about second chances, because I really do believe we all deserve them. And then I got to thinking that there's another important piece to this that I didn't mention. Sure, when we're too hard on ourselves, critical of our lack of...
Everyone Deserves a Second Chance. No Exceptions.
Sometimes I'm too hard on myself. I am really, really good at beating myself up. In fact, I'm better at it than anyone else is, because no one else has ever made me feel worse than I've made myself feel. I think I'm especially good at it because I've had access to my...