Happy young woman enjoying sunny morning on the bed.
Waking Up Happy
How did you feel when you woke up this morning? Did you open your eyes and feel excited, energized, and well-rested? Did you have a sense of well-being and ease? Did you feel ready for this day?
Was today a day you woke up happy?
So many of us simply wake up, stretch a little, and roll out of bed without even giving thought to our feelings. We don’t take time to assess what’s in front of us. And we might not even take a moment or two to set intentions for the next 16 hours or so that we’ll be awake.
It’s like we’re on auto-pilot.
And so, the day becomes whatever it becomes, and we are subject to the whims and wishes of those around us – the kids need a ride, the dog has to go out, hubby needs you to pick up the dry cleaning, neighbors want to chat, your boss needs a new intro for her presentation, your mom calls to talk about your aunt, and your clients need some hand-holding. In the meantime, you barely have time to pee, let alone figure out what you want and need as the day progresses. Before you know it, it’s nine o’clock, you’re picking up toys and clothes around the house, and putting on your jammies.
Where do the days go?
It doesn’t have to be this way. You know that the simple act of taking a few moments for yourself in the morning, maybe even before you open your eyes and put your feet on the floor, will make a huge different in how your day plays out. You know that a single intention set before you move into action brings with it the power to change your whole day. You know that you have more control than you have allowed yourself to realize, not over the needs and requests of others, but over your own desires, thoughts, and actions.
An intentional moment in the morning can carry you through the whole day.
I invite you to reflect on how your day is flowing so far, and I invite you to make it different tomorrow. Set a single intention before you jump (or leap or roll) out of bed. Know that this single intention will impact every single interaction for your day. Maybe your intention is a single word, like peace, love, ask, awareness, or faith. Or maybe it’s something different like stay grounded, listen before speaking, have fun, don’t let them bug me, or I’m on my way.
Whatever your intention, keep it top of mind throughout the day. Then, maybe – just maybe – tomorrow, you’ll wake up happy.
Now, that’s Powerful!
*Would you like to wake up happy in your business? You can. Do you know that being a published author can work wonders for your growth, exposure, credibility, and client attraction? Watch this 22-minute eye-opening webcast to learn WHY you must become an author now. It will be the turning point in your success – and you can happen with EASE. I’ll help you. CLICK HERE