Everyone Deserves a Second Chance. No Exceptions.

Sometimes I’m too hard on myself.

I am really, really good at beating myself up. In fact, I’m better at it than anyone else is, because no one else has ever made me feel worse than I’ve made myself feel. I think I’m especially good at it because I’ve had access to my thoughts every single second of my life. I’ve had years and years of practice, and I gotta admit that I’m better at making myself feel lousy than I’d like to be.

Last week I caught myself with the negative self talk, and I stopped to set myself straight. I KNOW the power of my thoughts. I KNOW they set the tone for every interaction, all my work, my relationships, and truly every part of my life. I’m usually very conscious and I “think about what I’m thinking about”, and yet I caught myself talking smack and rolling around in the mud and muck of negativity. And then, I began to chuckle…

Sure I had messed up. I had let myself down. I went back on my own word to myself and I neglected my self-ascribed goals and steps to achieve them. And I was beating myself up pretty bad. And so I chuckled. I reminded myself that I would never, ever speak to anyone else the way I was speaking to myself. I would build them up, help them get back on track, and celebrate their eventual success. And so I decided to do the same thing for me.

Are you too hard on yourself?

If you are, you have to keep reading…

Everyone deserves a second chance. No exceptions.

Even YOU deserve a second chance, and you especially deserve it with yourself. So often, I see people beating themselves up over a mistake or misstep they’ve made – an unfortunate comment, eating or drinking a bit more than they felt good about, forgetting something time-sensitive or important, or not performing at an optimal level. And although we can look at these instances and know they could have been avoided or done differently or better, they are already done and over with and we are where we are.

I like to remind myself that everyone, everywhere is doing the best they can with all of the resources at their disposal in the moment. This includes all past experiences, teachings, upbringing, circle of influence, mood, and so much more.

The truth is we’re not perfect.

We are beautifully flawed, ever-changing, ever-evolving individuals who deserve the opportunity to learn at our own pace. We all deserve a second chance. The next time you or someone you know makes an unfortunate choice, cut them some slack. Exhibit kindness in the form of non-judgment and offer a second chance. You will find that a second chance will lighten the mood and the load, and provide a renewed confidence in moving forward – for everyone involved.

Kindness and second chances are often the foundation for strong and powerful beginnings. Especially with yourself.

Now, that’s Powerful!

Would you like more inspiration like this? Buy my latest book, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude. I’m happy to sign it and send a special gift for you!

Love yourself ~Sue

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