![]() Our Network is founded upon the belief that Women are powerful creators, passionate and compassionate leaders, and the heart and backbone of our world’s businesses, homes and communities. Our Mission is to empower women to find their inner wisdom, follow their passion and live rich authentic lives. Join us for business, personal and spiritual growth. www.powerfulyou.com BONUS GIFT: FREE month of the PY! Learning Center.The Powerful You! Learning Center is a comprehensive online resource of informative, current and content-rich teachings for conscious women. The sessions cover a wide variety of topics pertaining to business, personal and spiritual growth. Get Your Gift |
![]() Sue Urda is your Feel Good Guidess. She has impacted thousands of women through transformative talks and inspirational writings that teach people to embrace the power of feeling good. Sue is a two-time honoree on INC Magazine’s list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies, and an award-winning and Amazon #1 bestselling author. As co-founder of Powerful You! she has connected thousands of women for business, personal and spiritual growth, and has helped 150+ women achieve their dreams of becoming a published author. Sue is a thought leader who loves assisting women to find the feel good and live in that space every day. www.sueurda.com BONUS GIFT: 7-Day Transformational Video Series for a Life of Joy, Grace and Ease. With each day’s video, you’ll become more aware of the thoughts you are thinking, more conscious of what’s going on around you, and you’ll find it increasingly “ease-ier” to experience moments of joy, grace and ease as you move through your day. This is your 7-day jumpstart for feeling really, really good. Get Your Gift |
![]() Toxin-free products made with wild crafted and USDA certified organic ingredients! PURE Baby ~ PURE Basics ~ PURE Home ~ PURE Pets. Wholesale, private labeling, customizing and new formulations are available for those who would like their own line of products. www.alphazelle.com |
![]() Kit Holmes’ music is a magical blend of jazz, pop, R&B and…New Age?!. Yes! This award-winning, performing songwriter expresses a compassionate yet often irreverent view of "a spiritual being having a VERY human experience". Her smooth vocals, engaging melodies and lush harmonies are a treat for you ears and soul! www.kitholmesmusic.com BONUS GIFT: “Love Lives in Me” is a rockin’, musical affirmation to get you up and going every day! Simply click on the link to play or right-click to download and save! Get Your Gift |
![]() We are a lifestyle digital publication. We offer resources to empower women for success. We are dedicated to helping women business owners by giving exposure their Company. BONUS GIFT: Access to our current digital publication "Ultimate Woman International" Get Your Gift |
![]() Christina Ann Sullivan is a Certified Soul Coach, Akashic Record Reader and Reiki Master. Christina created Kathyslifeflow in honor of her sister Kathy. Kathy’s death served as the catalyst for her own path of healing and awakening. Christina empowers, transforms and awakens her clients to their souls consciousness where they become whole within themselves. www.kathyslifeflow.com BONUS GIFT: Christina is so passionate about serving you that she is offering a free 30 minute Spiritual Warrior Coaching Session. This session will shift your perspective as you discover the 3 essential keys required for self-transformation and awakening to your souls consciousness the pure frequency of love. The value of this gift is simply priceless! |
![]() Karen Flaherty brings many years of corporate business and life experience to her Human Design coaching practice. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Karen has worked in New York and New Jersey in marketing and sales positions for over 35 years, and now helps clients find out who they really are! www.LivingbyHumanDesign.com BONUS GIFT: Do you wish your life came with a user’s guide to help you through life’s ups and downs? You can find the answers you’re in search of, your life’s purpose, what to do about your career and relationships by discovering your Human Design strategy with a free Human Design chart. Get your chart here. Get Your Gift |
![]() Hi I’m Roe, your Money, Marketing & Soul Certified Coach who brings out your Inner Gutsy Gal by letting your authenticity be your power, comfortably market your message, attract ideal clients who love you and pay you what you are worth so you can have a lucrative sustainable business with soul & ease. www.RoeCoutureDeSaro.com BONUS GIFT: The Gutsy Gals Guide To: Courage, Risks & Rewards DIY Coaching Program. A 6 part training with exercises to deepen your learning and open new doors and opportunities for you. Value=$97.00. Get Your Gift |
![]() Barbara Schultz, RN, CNM is a spiritual health and wellness expert. Barbara holds certification as an Akashic Record Consultant, transformational mentor and intuitive healer. Barbara helps midlife women in transition suffering with anxiety, create vibrant health naturally. By permanently shifting old patterns and limiting beliefs, transform your anxiety into prosperity! www.thesoulmidwife.com BONUS GIFT: Would you love to be happier and healthier, leaping out of bed excited to begin your day? Want to get unstuck from doing the same thing repeatedly and settling for less than your heart desires? FREE Special Report: 25 Secrets to Transform Anxiety into Prosperity. Get Your Gift |
![]() Ling Wong helps the Gutsy Women Entrepreneurs nail their message, claim their superpowers and monetize their Truth for a purposeful and profitable Personality-Driven Business. www.business-soulwork.com BONUS GIFT: The “Monetize Your Truth” Soulwork Bundle includes an audio training to help you upgrade your Mindset and reframe Marketing. You will also get the “Find Your Truth” meditation to tap into your fullest potential and the “4 Keys to Enrolling High-Paying Clients” training to help you charge what you want. Get Your Gift |
![]() Feeling stuck? Angry? Powerless? Unsupported?Make friends with your inner Sovereign, Magician, Warrior and Lover! Improv for Peace uses playful improv to help individuals and communities take risks, create peace and understanding, and tap into their incredible human potential! Founder Andrea Hummel is an anthropologist and corporate trainer. www.linkedin.com/in/andreahummel BONUS GIFT: It’s time to re-script your life! In a complimentary 30-minute coaching session, ID your favorite challenge, experiment with improvisational acting, spontaneously try on new beliefs and behaviors, and get a cheat-sheet of additional strategies.Wow!! What a change YOU can make! –Let”s think outside the box together. Get Your Gift |
![]() Internationally acclaimed intuitive healer, master coach, best-selling author and animal mystic, Kumari’s deepest joy is empowering healers, coaches and conscious leaders to unwrap their intuitive, manifesting and healing gifts. Kumari hosted a World Puja radio show “Co-Creation Activations” and holds a powerful energetic presence where healing shifts occur spontaneously. www.kumarihealing.com BONUS GIFT: In Healing Illness and Dis-Ease; Anchoring in Well-Being and Vitality video Kumari expertly guides you to raise your vibration and clear the energetic pattern of illness and dis-ease. Discover the hidden reasons WHY you may be secretly sabotaging your health! Immerse yourself in cutting edge energy healing and alchemy crystal bowl attunements for increased Well-Being. Get Your Gift |
![]() Soulfullpreneur – Where Spirituality Meets Business! BONUS GIFT: “Create Your Soul-Aligned Life & Business Map” |
![]() If you struggle with chronic illness, weight gain, addiction problems, relationship turmoil, finances, stress, anxiety or feel like something is missing in your life. Your PAST could be controlling your PRESENT. Easy to follow 5 step programs, coaching packages, workshops & retreats. Constance Mollerstuen, LHWC www.holistichealingworkshops.com BONUS GIFT: When you sign up for a “Guided Life Make-Over” Program or Coaching package you will receive a “FREE” copy of one of my latest books, Move Towards Love or Awaken Get Your Gift |
![]() I work with you to help you achieve what you are looking for through a step by step coaching program and one on one coaching so you can identify the goals your want to achieve and make sure you get there. You have the power within you to get the success, health, relationship or indeed any other life improvement that you want, and I would love to help you get there. www.reinventingyourselftoday.com BONUS GIFT: In 1854 Henry David Thoreau stated that “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. “ What needs to be changed in your life so that you are living in alignment with who you are, a life full of joy and energy? Find out with my interactive e-book BEGIN REINVENTING YOURSELF TODAY. And find out exactly how to reinvent yourself with my bonus e-book SETTING AND ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS THE RIGHT WAY. Get Your Gift |
![]() Gloria Rand, a leading expert in Copywriting and Social Media Marketing, specializes in developing innovative programs that help entrepreneurs and small business owners overcome their biggest internet marketing challenges and create an online presence that dramatically improves their leads/sales. Contact us today for your Complimentary Internet Marketing Breakthrough Coaching Session. www.gloriarand.com BONUS GIFT: As a gift for joining our community you will receive the downloadable report, “The Top 7 Online Marketing Tools for Small Business” along with the Weekly Marketing Buzz Ezine which contains tips for achieving continued internet marketing success. Get Your Gift |
![]() Diane’s mission is to inspire and empower women and children financially by creating wealth through education and guidance, seeking to provide them with the financial security and freedom that comes with it. Her ABC’s of Financial Fulfillment Workshop teaches others how to get back to basics and “Find Hidden Dollars” in our budget. www.dianesinspiredthings.com BONUS GIFT: “6 Tips on Finding Hidden Dollars in Your Budget”,a step by step process that helps identify where your hard earned money is going. It also helps you to uncover patterns of spending and habits that may not be serving your financial dreams and goals. Download my free gift and get started today! Get Your Gift |
![]() Life and Self Esteem coach using holistic approaches. I specialize in Eating Disorders. I also provide art therapy and visualization exercises. My services include in person, phone and group coaching. I am also a trained NEDA Navigator and ANAD Resource person for the state of Idaho. I serve as a mentor on MentorConnect. www.spirited-lady-living.com BONUS GIFT: Confidence Building Course – This is a 7 week course which includes the 14 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Book which you receive right away. Your first email which starts the course includes worksheets to go with the book. Each email after includes a bonus download, such as affirmations, wallpaper, and a cheat sheet. Get Your Gift |
![]() As founder of the Wealthy Woman Movement, Linda is passionate about helping heart-centered visionaries make good money with their natural gifts and talents… because she knows when women like you are financially and spiritually empowered, the world becomes a better place. www.unleashurbiz.com BONUS GIFT: The Top 10 Personal Habits That Keep You Broke – and How to Fix them! Take an honest look to see how many of these habits you have, which are robbing you of vital life energy and therefore your wealth. Take committed action to kick these habits! Get Your Gift |
![]() Lisa Bloom, founder of Story Coach Inc. helps entrepreneurs and business owners beat overwhelm, stress and discomfort with marketing to find confidence, attract ideal clients and make more money by finding their success story. www.story-coach.com BONUS GIFT: Lisa is offering her ebook “Using Stories to Get Great Clients” and a transformational “Business Breakthrough” Story Coaching Session ($300 Value) where you’ll uncover the challenges that are jeopardizing your business success, de-stress your marketing and leave the session re-energized to make your business highly profitable. You’ll move from anxiety to authenticity, from stress to simplicity. Get Your Gift |
![]() Women In Joy, founded by Laura Rubinstein is an online retreat for Women. You can share and receive inspiring messages. Ask Coach Laura your questions and she will share her advice. Access the tools for cultivating your Feminine Power and living a joy-filled, passionate, juicy life! www.femininepowercards.com BONUS GIFT: ‘Are you ready to have more soul-connected juicy relationships? How about living authentically without stress or guilt and create flowing success! It all starts with a conscious awareness of our feminine essence. The Living In Feminine Energy Guide is here as our personal gift to you. Get Your Gift |
![]() We are the husband and wife team behind the bestselling Soulful Journals series! We are thrilled that our journals have helped so many people, and we’re thrilled to share this free gift with you! www.soulfuljournals.com BONUS GIFT: These free Soul Connection Tools will help you tap into your divine wisdom! You’ll receive Dan and Jodi’s bestselling Journaling from the Soul Ebook plus Jodi’s Reconnecting with Your Soul guided meditation! Your soul is so wise, and these powerful gifts will help you hear your soul’s whispers! Get Your Gift |
![]() With over 35 years of experience, she creates programs for individuals and institutions which transform. A certified Reiki Master with psychic energy, a speaker who leads meditations and a #1 Best Selling author- twice, Miriam appears on all media/tv and created the download “Relax…Feel Great! Stay Young”. www.wellnessagenda.com BONUS GIFT: 5 Steps for 2015. Learn the importance of these 5 special steps to help you on your path to walk in beauty in 2015. Each one is described, along with inspiring visuals to empower you to honor yourself and be the best you can be in this pivotal year. Get Your Gift |
![]() Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM Empowers, Equips, and Encourages moms to have more influence at home, more impact in the world, and more income to make it happen, so they can live a life with JOY, BALANCE , and SUCCESS on their own terms. To learn more about Elayna, visit www.elaynafernandez.com BONUS GIFT: Want to Live a LIFE Filled With JOY, BALANCE, and SUCCESS on Your Own Terms? |
![]() Literacy Moments Magazine – The world of literature nowadays is so diverse, open-minded and thriving in experimental works, that there doesn’t seem to be any single form of written art missing from it … you would think. We open our pages to them all. www.literacymomentsmag.webs.com BONUS GIFT: Gift Description (only 55 words): Reading 365 is important. Download this FREE book to start your amazing reading journey for 2015 Get Your Gift |
“Chia” Cheri Avery Black |
![]() A “Miracle” when her body healed stage 4 cancer in just 4 months, she gratefully shares the steps she took to create an environment for her body to renew itself. www.live-itup.com. She is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach-Educator and President of Human Interests Inc., conducting diversity training and business coaching. www.live-itup.com BONUS GIFT: Cheri is offering you a Quick Guide to Becoming a Miracle in just 15 powerful steps. She invites you to connect as a “Live-It Up Liberator”(live-it not die-t!) in the Wellness Revolution. Our bodies are made to heal/thrive and our minds to expand the streams of abundance with our spirits powered by love. Get Your Gift |
![]() Teresa Salhi is a Certified Life Coach, Law of Attraction Trainer and founder of Empower The Dream. Teresa is known for empowering women to step out of their own way and confidently step into their personal power to live and breath their best life Now! www.EmpowerTheDream.com BONUS GIFT: Teresa is offering a free ebook: Awaken Your Feminine Power & Have Your Way With The World – 7 Secrets for a Confident, Purposeful & Sensual Woman. Get Your Gift |
![]() Transformation coaching takes you straight to the heart of what undermines you and consequently frees you through transforming the subconscious places that thwart your best efforts at change! When you get out of your own way, what else is possible for you and your life? Let’s find out! www.mytrueplace.com BONUS GIFT: FREE AUDIO: Embrace Yourself! Hot tips and tools to stop feeling crappy, make peace with your life and embrace your true essence. Get Your Gift |
![]() 4 Steps to Manifest the Biz and Life You Love! Crystal Davis, MBA, LMC helps spiritually conscious visionary entrepreneurs master the law of attraction so they can create the business and life they love, fulfill their unique divine purpose and make the profound impact they know they are here for. www.crystalclearyou.com BONUS GIFT: The Activate Your Vision Special Report will help you to apply Crystal’s 4 step manifestation process. This will help you understand your journey to the Crystal Clear YOU and successfully navigate the gap between where you are and where you want to be with ease and grace—for More clients. More Money. More Life. Get Your Gift |
![]() Victoria Milan is the founder of Irresistibly-Healthy.com and GreenSmoothieLove.net. She is the go-to person for all things healthy. Kickstart your health today. Lose extra pounds and feel 11 years younger. Take the Green Smoothie Love 21-Day challenge (Valued at $129) www.GreenSmoothieLove.net BONUS GIFT: Download a Complementary copy of the 6-Month Roadmap to Health and Happiness. Lose weight, feel energized, and regain your youthful glow! Get Your Gift |
![]() Dr. Jo Anne White is the Executive Producer/Host of the Power Your Life TV & Radio Shows, an award winning, International Author and Speaker, Certified Professional Coach, Business Consultant and Energy Master Teacher. Her books and seminars have inspired, empowered and transformed millions of people to create the lives and businesses of their dreams. www.drjoannewhite.com BONUS GIFT: Your Soul is always guiding you. This Soul Manifestation e-book can help you tap into the knowledge of your soul”s wisdom and live more in tune with your soul’s calling. Manifest your soul’s vision for more inner peace, love, success and joy. Let your soul guide you to your infinite self-expansion and wondrous possibility. Get Your Gift |
![]() Joanne is a widely recognized expert in aligning teams to perform with purpose and improve performance. Joanne is a professional speaker and author of “Make Your Job Great: How to Step Up, Own Your Space and Get Your Boss off Your Back”. www.joanneeckton.com BONUS GIFT: Get your team fired up and ready to take on the challenges of the future. Learn how to develop the leadership foundation that will enable a team with innovation and inspiration. Get ready for the new model of work and deliver outstanding results without burning out your team or stifling their passions. Get Your Gift |
![]() Clear Your Past and Change Your Future with Dr. Joy Pedersen, Author, Angelic Channel, Licensed Spiritual Healer and Certified Spiritual Health Coach that helps identify hidden causes of limited beliefs, negative memories, emotions, energy and challenges negatively affecting money, relationships, business, health and well-being and heals and releases it. www.ExpressSuccess.net BONUS GIFT: FIVE GIFTS! – These gifts focus on how to understand the hidden causes of your challenges as well as provide you some useful assistance for better results: What is Karma and How is it affecting You?, Nondirective Meditation, Understanding and Setting Boundaries, Understanding Past Lives and Top 12 Hidden Causes of Your Challenges. Get Your Gift |
![]() Women who write or want to write: does fear get in the way? Women’s Voices Rising is an online course founded by Debora Seidman, designed to help conscious, intelligent women transform what gets in the way of their writing. Debora is an award-winning playwright and experienced, compassionate writing coach and teacher. www.DeboraSeidman.com BONUS GIFT: Getting to the Page Through the Portal of Love! What if you came to your writing through the gateway of love, not fear? Get your free audio and workbook. Look for free teleclasses to Turn Your Writing Fear into a Portal of Love! Get Your Gift |
![]() The choices we make every day play a critical role in shaping our future health-scientific research confirms that losing weight, eating healthfully, smart supplementation, and minimizing exposure to toxic chemicals in the home can help reduce the risk of future health problems. Shaklee is your choice for naturally safe, proven effective products. www.raw.myshaklee.com BONUS GIFT: Download our great free e-book to learn about some amazing secrets on how to lose weight easily, why most diets don`t work, and what the super stars are doing to stay slim and trim! Get Your Gift |
![]() Amy is a Source intuitive, channeler and gifted energy healer who teaches creative entrepreneurs how to leave struggle behind and step into a empassioned life of unlimited possibility and empowered choice. Amy is the creator of powerful meditations that work and programs that create breakthroughs in prosperity, joy and well being. www.WealthAbundanceJoyNow.com BONUS GIFT: Move easily from stuck-ness and struggle to flow and ease around money in your life! This powerful Money Reiki Healing mp3 aligns you with the vibration of money to open up your money flow. You will also receive the Instant Joy Process mp3 to keep your vibration high along with tools to support the Healing mp3 so you are aligned with the abundance you wish to receive! Get Your Gift |
![]() Improve your relationships at home or work. Full your life with fabulous win/win relationships that enhance you. Stop people intimidating and bullying you. Learn the skills to empower yourself and take charge in your relationships.. Bullied at high school and marriage, Janice learnt these skills which she teaches in workshops and online courses. www.difficultpeoplehelp.com BONUS GIFT: Free ebook: Dealing with Difficult People and Tricky Situations. Learn about different types of relationships and personalities and why they create challenges. Understand why assertive communication and self esteem are your keys to claiming your personal power in relationships. Get Your Gift |
![]() Websites for Holistic Entrepreneurs. Bring your business to life with a conscious, creative design solution. Would you like to increase the global reach of your message and services? If you’re a holistic service provider, author, artist, life coach, or any type of heart based entrepreneur, we would love to help you. www.holisticwebdesigns.com BONUS GIFT: MANDALA for MEDITATION You’ll receive a gorgeous, high-resolution, printable mandala, plus three (3) ways to play with the CELESTIAL VISION mandala energy: an affirmation, a meditation, and a powerful stress-reduction video! Get Your Gift |
![]() As a Clarity Catalyst, Linda empowers you to find your inner guidance rather than relying on outside opinion. Her unique approach guides you back to your own center where clarity and truth are found. Linda is a catalyst to discover the best in yourself. www.LindaRadford.com BONUS GIFT: FREE 50 minute “Connect and Expand Your Intuitive Abilities” recording. Benefits of following your inner guidance include: Clarity for daily decisions. Choices made based on personal best. Confidence in taking action. Expanded awareness of situations, people and places. Get Your Gift |
![]() Barbara Stone is a professor at Energy Medicine University, a bilingual psychotherapist, and an international teacher. She holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. The Soul Detective Protocols she presents in her books Invisible Roots and Transforming Fear into Gold help energy healers resolve the spiritual aspects of emotional problems. www.souldetective.net BONUS GIFT: This 44 minute lecture presents startling insights from Sumerian tablets found in Iraq, site of ancient Sumer, regarding the origin of our planet and our species. They speak of ancient astronauts coming to earth to mine gold and explain the fierce battles between rival gods in the Old Testament and the humans who worshipped them. Get Your Gift |