Are you afraid to be yourself? Do you only let people see certain parts of you? Do you only share what you think they will accept and agree with? This is not uncommon. Although there is an allure and great freedom awaiting you when you live fully as the person you were born to be, there is often fear associated with the judgment that may come from others if you let them see who you really are. We think we know what opinion these people will hold of us “if they only knew…”, and sometimes we fear that if they discover the truth of who we are that they will withhold their love and that our relationships will forever change. The question we must ask ourselves…
Is the Joy of Authenticity Worth the Risk?
Think of the joy you feel when you are aligned with something you believe in and know to be true. Think of the people you know and admire who are living their life without any hesitation or apologies for who they are. Think of someone you know with whom you feel you can truly be yourself. Was there a time when you were hiding your ‘real self’ from them too? And when you decided to be yourself with them, think of the relief you felt and the ‘non-issue’ that was present. Now, imagine a world in which you could truly be the beautiful individual you came to this earth to be. Imagine a whole day simply being you. Imagine feeling as if you didn’t have to filter your speech or actions. Imagine literally expressing YOU in every moment of every day.
Can You Spell R-E-L-I-E-F?
If you have been tossing around the idea of being more authentic, I invite you to try it. If you have been dreaming of letting go of your limiting beliefs about acceptance by others, I invite you to release them. If you have been longing to let down the façade and start expressing your individuality and inherent beauty, there is no time like the present. You will find that…
Whatever Falls Away Wasn’t Real.
Whatever Blossoms is Your Truth.
Let’s join the countless other fully-expressed spiritual beings who are living life as themselves and let’s choose to simply be who we are. Are you up for it? I am!
Meet some truly amazing women who will be happy to meet the ‘real you’ at a Powerful You! Meeting.
Wishing you Authenticity!
Sue Urda
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of two books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.