If you’ve been reading anything I’ve written on my blog over the years, you probably already know what I’m going to say…. I ask you to read it anyway. By now you know that YOU are the only one who gets to make 2013 a good year for yourself ~ or not. YOU are the one who holds the power – No one else creates your destiny, but you. No one else makes you happy or sad, but you. No one else controls how you feel, but you. No one else does your inner work, but you. No one calls the shots for you, but you.
YOU are the heart and soul of the life you live. There’s no magic elixir. There are no keys to the kingdom. There is no knight in shining armor. There’s no quick fix. There is only YOU…. YOU, YOU, YOU.
The good news is… YOU are Enough.
YOU are the one who gets your butt up off the couch, or not. YOU are the one writes and moves towards your goals, or not. YOU are the one who turns the corner, or not. YOU are the one who lives in a spirit of Oneness, or not. YOU are the one who does your life’s work, or not. YOU are the one who plays full out, or not. YOU are the one who stays connected with your friends and family, or not. YOU are the one who keeps your body healthy, vibrant and strong, or not. YOU are the one who leads a full and inspired life, or not.
It’s all up to YOU.
YOU hold the power for YOU. YOU are the one who chooses your path. YOU are the one who decides who you hang out with. YOU are the one who thinks your thoughts, dreams your dreams and lives your life. There’s no one else but YOU, and YOU are enough. YOU are ever-powerful and completely in charge. YOU are the light of your life and the spark for the light of the whole world. YOU are so very amazing and incredible. YOU must simply believe it and allow it and BE the amazing YOU that YOU are. YOU can change the world… in fact, you already have.
Yes, YOU are that Powerful!
Embrace your power and decide to love your life. No matter where you are or what is going on around you, DECIDE that 2013 is going to be your best year so far. Yes, you are that powerful and you can bring it into being. All you have to do is decision. What will you decide?
Now, that’s Powerful!
Want to meet some women who are on a powerful path in 2013? Attend a Powerful You! Open HOuse Meeting in January and connect with our inspiring members. www.powerfulyou.com
Is 2013 the year you will finally share your story with the world? Be an Author in our upcoming anthology book. www.powerfulyoupublishing.com
Wishing you a Truly Happy New Year!
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network and Powerful You! Publishing, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of three books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, Women Living Consciously and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are. www.sueurda.com www.powerfulyou.com
Great article. It really hits home for me. It’s something I know, but don’t bring it to my consciousness on a regular basis. It’s easy to blame others for my lack of action.
Hello Linda,
I know exactly what you mean… It’s easy to put the burden on others when it truly is us who hold the power for ourselves. That’s why personal development and mindfulness is a practice we must be vigilant about and bring it into our lives regularly.
Wishing you peace and true happiness!
At our Powerful You meeting today, Marta mentioned this blog to the group. I can see why, it’s terrific. I’m going to share this with my 15 year old daughter – words to live by. We need to empower the young girls, make them realize that they have more control over their life’s path than they sometimes realize. Thank you!