Today marks 18 years since my father’s passing from this earthly plane and I will be spending this day honoring our relationship, our love and the many lessons I learned from him. I am grateful for having shared time with my father during his 52 years on this planet. I am grateful for his unconditional love, his wide smile, his enveloping hugs, his uncompromising and big dreams, his beautiful spirit and the awesome example of his life. I miss his physical presence in my life, and I am grateful each day to be surrounded by his spirit and feel his love. If you knew him, I know he made a difference in your life. If you did not know him, you can know him through his lessons that I share with you. I am blessed to be his daughter.
1. Never put anything in writing that you wouldn’t want your parents to see.
2. You can do anything you put your mind to.
3. Never be afraid to say and stand by what you believe in.
4. If what you want to say will not bring good to a situation, don’t say anything at all.
5. Enjoy the process. There’s always a way to have fun even when you are working.
6. Choose wisely the people you allow into your life.
7. Don’t do anything that doesn’t feel good to you.
8. If there’s something you have to do that you don’t really like to do, get it done as quickly as you can and move on.
9. Sometimes people you love will ask you to do things you don’t really want to do… sometimes you’ll choose to do them because making that person happy is important to you.
10. Take time to listen to the rain.
11. It’s okay to make fun of yourself or to look foolish simply to make other people smile.
12. Belly laughs are good. Make others laugh as much and as often as you can.
13. People are the most important thing in life.
14. Think big. Your results can only be as big as you think they might be.
15. Say I love you – often.
16. Hugs are good. They let people know you care.
17. Eat what makes you happy… and don’t overdo it.
18. Make time for fun with friends.
19. Ask good questions and listen for the answers.
20. When you are inspired and have a dream, life becomes a great adventure and work becomes fun.
21. Your big dreams and enthusiasm are contagious. Share them and people will gather around you to make them happen.
22. Money is a vehicle to freedom, and freedom provides choices.
23. Read often to expand your mind and know of the possibilities of life.
24. Family can bring great joy and great heartache – love them deeply anyway.
25. Life is what you make it; nothing more, nothing less.
26. Love your mother.
27. Sometimes your friends will do things that you feel hurt by; have lots of friends anyway.
28. Give what you have to people you love and don’t squander anything.
29. Who you really are is more important than who others think you are.
30. If you choose to do something, do the best you can.
31. Your attitude matters more than your actions.
32. If someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do; say no, say it quickly and say it with a smile.
33. Vacations are good and necessary. So are date nights.
34. Playing games brings people together.
35. Provide forums for people to talk to each other, and make sure everyone has a voice.
36. Set aside time to think deep thoughts alone and to brainstorm with others.
37. Life is uncertain… enjoy every moment.
38. Money only matters when it brings joy or security.
39. Make a list of your goals and update it often. Make them really big, really exciting and really inspiring – to you.
40. Wherever you are, experience what is around you. Try new things, visit new places and meet new people.
41. Do what you say will you do. Personal integrity matters.
42. Share what you have with people who matter to you.
43. Smile. Smile big. Smile often.
44. Forgive people when they ask you to – especially family.
45. Give second chances, third chances, etc.
46. Believe in and trust the people you love.
47. Do what you can to make others feel good about themselves.
48. Risk is exciting. Playing it safe is boring and squashes your spirit.
49. Naps are good.
50. Surround yourself with things and people you love, enjoy and find beautiful.
51. Say thank you and mean it.
52. Unconditional love empowers people and provides them great freedom and joy.
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of three books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, Women Living Consciously and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.