What Do You Do When You’re Not Inspired?

42-16546468Many people sit around waiting for inspiration to strike; they’re looking for inspiration on any number of things, like creating a business plan, writing a book or a letter, or deciding what to make for dinner. They sit and wait for the right mood, the right moment, the right idea. Little do they realize that sitting around and waiting for inspiration is really a waste of time.

Inspiration is Not Necessary to Take Action

There are plenty of people who will tell you not to do anything that is uninspired – that you will end up with an inferior, boring or ‘wrong’ result. There are still more who will tell you that inspiration doesn’t matter at all – just put your nose to the grindstone and do what’s in front of you, or what you’re told and live your life according to your family or societal rules. Of course, both camps think they’re right. Personally, I fall on both sides of this line.

I believe that inspired action is the best kind to take. This involves following your heart, listening to the still, small voice inside and tapping into your gifts and your strengths. I believe that if everyone did this, the world would be a much more inspiring and amazing place to live.

I also know that inspiration is sometimes elusive and it isn’t always loud enough for us to hear.  I also know that it can be evoked or ‘found’ through taking some sort of action, any action at all, and then being open to what shows up. Simple movement in any direction can guide you to the next steps, either by telling you what not to do, or exactly what feels right for you.

Take a Step (any step). Assess. Redirect as Necessary.

Following these three simple steps will get your ‘mojo’ going. It will help you make informed and even inspired decisions. Remember, a thing in motion is easier to stay in motion. Start your journey to inspiration today by taking action – any action at all. As you move in action, I am pretty sure inspiration will come!

Now, that’s Powerful!

Want some inspiration? Attend a Powerful You! Women’s Network meeting and get inspired by our amazing members. www.powerfulyou.com

Wishing you Inspiration! ~ xo, Sue


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About the Author:  Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of three books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, Women Living Consciously and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.  www.sueurda.com  www.powerfulyou.com

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