Two Minds Are Better Than One… and sometimes both minds are your own. It’s true. We end up in a situation because of the thoughts we have thought in the past and the actions we took that landed us here. Now that we’re in it, there is no way for us to get out of it (if this is our desire) unless we change our mind.
“You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”
-Albert Einstein
Is it possible to actually change your mind? To be “of a new mind”? It’s true we have but one brain at our disposal; it is also true that we have the Universal Consciousness available to us. We can tap into it any time we desire and we can think the thoughts of countless other minds even as we hold our own thought in our head. As the thoughts of the ethos blend with our own, it tends to transform our mind into something other than the one we initially started with. In fact, our mind is constantly changing as long as we remain flexible as we go through life.
What’s the best way to ‘change’ your mind? Allow yourself to desire something other than what you have created. Allow yourself the freedom of choosing something new. Allow yourself the freedom and joy of fluidity.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life…
It really is that simple.