Do You Procrastinate Out of Fear?

photo-changing_mindsHave you ever been in a position of flux?  You don’t know exactly what to do and you are so afraid to make the wrong decision that you have frightened yourself into non-action. You procrastinate, whine and moan, teeter back and forth and literally feel frozen in your tracks. You ask others for their advice and this only serves to confuse you more because it simply adds to the inordinate number of choices you have before you. How can you possibly do something if it might be the wrong decision in the long run? Is fear holding you away from your dreams and desires?

Make a Decision, Any Decision

Fear saps energy from your dreams, your body and your soul. When you allow yourself to procrastinate and you avoid a decision or action out of fear, you literally send a signal to God and the Universe that you don’t really want your dreams to manifest as badly as you say you do. The first step out of stagnation is to remind yourself of the beauty of your desires. Feel the feelings on the other end of the manifestation, and allow yourself to feel the freedom that your dreams will bring. Then, open yourself to be guided by your inner guidance system ~ your intuition ~ and make even the tiniest step in the direction you are guided.

You Don’t Have To Leap ~ Baby Steps Can Bring About Miracles

Many people think that to achieve big things, you must take big action. The truth is that any and every action you take with the intent to live into your dreams gets you closer to its manifestation; and being closer by an inch today is better than being in the same place you are now, tomorrow. No worries if you make a misstep. You can always correct your path later. It is your intention and your action towards fruition that truly matters.

Even the Smallest Action Repeated Consistently

Brings Massive Results Over Time

Go ahead… Take a baby step!  Now, that’s Powerful!

Wishing you the Joy of Action!

Sue Urda


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About the Author:  Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of two books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.

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