How are you feeling today? How would you like to feel today? Happy? Joyful? Peaceful?
PEACE: A feeling of ease and calm within,
no matter what exists around you.
A feeling doesn’t happen to you, it is produced within your mind. Your feelings are derived from your thoughts. The mind then sends the signal to your heart and body to mimic the feeling that the mind produced. It is not the other way around.
You might say to yourself “he made me feel bad with his accusations”, but in fact it is your thoughts about what he said that create the feelings within you. His words are merely words that hold no power. The power of the words comes from your interpretation of them and the feelings you choose to attach to them. In truth, you hold the power to control yourfeelings. Every time. No exceptions.
If you want to feel better, you must think better thoughts. If you want to feel happy, you must look upon what is around you and find the positive and good aspects of it – no matter the situation. YOU are in control of your feelings. You are the master of your mind and the thinker of your thoughts. Do with them what you will to create the life you desire.
Wishing you feelings of Peace as you direct your thoughts to Goodness.
This website really made me realize i am in control of my own feelings and thought processes. i just recently start meditating and the feeling of calm and peace inside my mind is incredible. i feel so peaceful that it actually frightened me lol. but thank you for your wonderful words of insight. i will definitly be visiting again.
Hi Amie, You are most definitely in control of your feelings – as long as you don;t give your power away! I love meditation too. It calms and relieves me of stress.