The New Year is upon us and we have all heard many wishes of Happy New Year! We’ve wished it many times for others and we are all hoping and even praying it will turn out to be this way, right? Well, what happens to these wishes and thoughts of happiness as the month rolls on by and the good feelings of the holidays are a distant and waning memory? Is having a Happy Year something we even think about? For many people, happiness is not top of mind. Instead, we focus on the day to day drudgery, a busy schedule and often just making it through to tomorrow. Happiness is not only not a major focus for us it is often not even on our radar. So if it’s not on our radar how can it happen? The short answer is: it can’t.
To Be Happy, You Must Desire Happiness
and Cultivate It From Within
The hard truth is that no one else can make you happy and you can’t make anyone else happy either. Sure, we all have some affect on the moods of others, but the emotion anyone feels lies solely within their own power. The people you see walking around in a perpetual state of happiness have made a conscious decision to be that way; and those who are walking around in a state of misery simply did not make the same conscious choice. In fact, many of these miserable people didn’t make any conscious choice at all and are simply going around ‘unconsciously unhappy’. They may not even be aware that they have a choice in front of them and instead have allowed themselves to slide into a state of unwanted, yet undeniably unsexy and unhappy misery.
And then there are those who live right in the middle: Not necessarily un-happy and not necessarily truly happy either. I am guessing that there are more people in this category than any other and I see evidence of this in the type of responses I hear when I ask, “How are you?” Often, they say “Hanging in there”, “OK”, “Fine”, “Alright” or “So-So”. Funny how so few words can say so much.
Get on the Happiness Highway
I challenge you to get out of the middle of the road and opt for the fast lane on the Happiness Highway. Yes, there is a fast lane! There is one thing for you to do…
1) Decide to be happy
Look for the good in every situation, person and thing around you. You can always see the good, the right and the happy – if you’re looking for it. Use the word, happy, whenever you have a chance no matter what is happening around you. Insert it into your conversation, “I am happy to see you (even if it’s only on the holidays)”, “I am happy to have my family here (even though they can be a handful)”, “I am happy to wake up today (even though I could use a few more hours sleep)”, I am happy I have a job (even if I don’t love my boss)”. This will bring the awareness of happiness to you in each and every moment and soon you will begin to truly feel the feelings of happiness too! The really cool and beautiful thing is that when you feel the happy, others feel it too!
Happiness is a choice and it’s contagious. Pass it on!
So, in case I haven’t told you lately… I’m Happy that You’re Happy!
With love and blessings for an awesome new year!
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of two books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.
I’m very happy about reading your article, Sue, 🙂 — and also happy to make a comment: 🙂
To decide to be happy really means to decide to love yourself unconditionally (because that’s what makes us happy, really :-)). In the warmth of that love you are able to embrace all your feelings, happy, unhappy, and everything in between. As you do, your natural, spontaneous joyfulness/happiness rises and becomes more and more part of your daily life. Not because you’re telling yourself that you are happy, or looking for happiness or excluding anything unhappy, but because you feel your love for yourself – and from there your love for everyone and everything else.
Happy New Day!
Hi Halina,
I am happy that you read this and commented on it. I have made a decision to bring happiness onto my radar this year. Sure it has always been something I have talked about, thought about and looked for, but this year, I have decided to bring it more fully into my life.
I agree with you that happiness and unconditional love for self are tied together. As we choose to step more fully into self-love, we will naturally find a happiness within and it will be reflected in the people and situations around us.
Happy New Day to you too!