”You could be one thought away from peace.” ~ Kristine Carlson
Peace is defined as a feeling of ease and calm within, no matter what exists around you. A feeling doesn’t happen to you, it is produced within your mind. Your feelings are derived from your thoughts. The mind then sends the signal to your heart and body to mimic the feeling that the mind produced. It is not the other way around.
You might say to yourself “he made me feel bad with his accusations”, but in fact it is your thoughts about what he said that create the feelings within you. His words are merely words that hold no power.The power of the words comes from your interpretation of them and the feelings you choose to attach to them.
In truth, you hold the power to control your feelings—every time. No exceptions.
If you want to feel better, you must think better thoughts. If you want to feel happy, you must look upon what is around you and find the positive and good aspects of it—no matter the situation.
YOU are in control of your feelings. You are the master of your mind and the thinker of your thoughts. Direct them to what you know will to create the life and the feelings you desire. Now, that’s Powerful!
Gratitude: I am grateful to have power over my feelings.
Intention: I direct my thoughts and focus to feel good.
NOTE: This is an excerpt from Sue’s new book, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, being launched on March 4th. Buy it at Sue’s Book Website
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About the Author: Sue Urda is the Feel Good Guidess. She is an Award-winning, Amazon #1 Bestselling Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network and Powerful You! Publishing. She was named twice on the Inc. Magazine list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies. Sue is a thought leader who envisions a world full of people connected to their ‘feel-good’, and she’s here to help them do it. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are. www.sueurda.com www.powerfulyou.com
Hi Sue,
I couldn’t agree with you more. I too have been bombarded with so very much. It is having the tools and ensight to navigate through the uncertainty and know that we are infinitly loved and guided. When we stay connected to our purpose with passion, we can move forward with faith and courage.
I recently joined Powerful You after a long hiatus. I was a member many years ago, however many things have happened since.
I just wanted to also give a shout out, that I too published a book entitled How May I Serve. It is a memoir with very personal details of my journey in life so far. Because of this I chose to have a pen name, (Karen Mathews). Balboa press is the publisher. You can find it on Amazon.com or through Balboa. I can also give you a free download if your interested. It is all about empowering women through my struggles in life. When you are ready to have me come and speak at one of your chapters, I would be delighted to. I am an empowering coach, helping women to navigate uncertainy with faith and courage.
So until we met again, hopefully very soon, thank you for allowing me to express my thoughts and feelings in this forum.
With gratitude,