How to Heal Anything ~ LIVE!

3D television conceptOn Tuesday, June 19th, at 7PM Eastern, my dear friend Kumari will be hosting a live-streaming show called, “How to Heal Anything ~ LIVE!” Her first show will address perhaps the most impactful topic in everyone’s life: “Healing Money Issues So You Can Lock in More Prosperity and Abundance.”

During this 90-minute live-streaming program, Kumari will personally take you through an advanced healing and manifesting technique to clear beliefs of scarcity and “not enough” and anchor in the energy patterns of abundance and prosperity.

** On this Healing live-stream show, you’ll learn about: **

— Why the mental/emotional patterns of lack and scarcity are keeping you from having what you want

— How energetically anchoring in prosperity can lead to less financial worries and more financial security

— The Rays of Creation and why they are a powerful tool when it comes to your finances

— The roadblocks and obstacles that are preventing you from having a great relationship with money

The results have been nothing short of profound.  When this advanced technique is applied to finances, one bodyworker got a job offer the very next day for more money than she ever received.  A business woman received over $7,000 in a few days in a totally unexpected way.

** How do I know if this is for me? **

— If your stomach has that feeling of unease when you think about money

— If you are always feeling like you barely have enough money to cover your expenses (or worse)

— If you often say I can’t afford the things I really want

–If you have “enough” money, but still worry about the future or about losing it

–If you would like to have a big impact in the world but never seem to have the financial means to accomplish it

Then this live-stream Healing program is just what you need!

** What is a live-stream? **

A live-stream is an internet video program that happens live. Essentially, you’ll be watching Kumari from her home teach about a specific aspect everyone needs help healing in present time. This live-streaming show can be accessed from a computer in your home or office and will provide you the unique opportunity of interacting with me “face-to-face.” You will be able to ask questions live via the chat feature of the live-stream.

All of her live-streaming shows will also be recorded. If you can’t attend live but you still want the content, register below and a recording will be sent out to you within 24-48 hours following the event.


If you register for the live-stream program, you’ll have the opportunity to submit your information for a free, on-air personal healing that is in alignment with the specific topic du jour.

** Ready to learn more and to register?  Visit Kumari’s Event online now!

Yours in abundance,

Sue Urda


Want to share this event? Feel free to pass it on to everyone you know who could use this type of healing!

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