I’m Up for the Journey … Birthday Musings

rainbowTomorrow is my birthday. I’ll be 54 and happily celebrating, not only every single year of it, but every single day. You see, for me, life is a gift, and it’s one I wouldn’t trade for anything.

I know there’s no mistake that I’m here right now on this planet, in this country, in this body, breathing the air that I breathe, knowing the people I know, and having experienced every single second of my life thus far.

I know that the rainbow I woke up to this morning was in my sight to feed my soul and remind me of the beauty that surrounds me in each moment – if only I take the time to look up from my keyboard and enjoy it.

And although that rainbow has faded into the baby blue sky and wispy white clouds that are brightened by the morning sun, I feel the essence of it within my heart and body, touching each of my chakras. And I thank God for the healing life force energy it provides.

Like this rainbow, I feel that parts of me, and even whole personalities of me, have come and gone over the years. I have evolved as an individual from an ‘on track’ teen to an identity-struggling twentyish girl/woman, from a ‘coming of age’, grieving, entrepreneurial thirty-something to an “I think I finally know who I am”, strong mid-forties woman.

And now, in my fifties, I am finally realizing that I’ve been the same me all along… this ever-evolving, roll with the punches (if I wasn’t punching them back), ever-growing and expanding spiritual being of light. I’ve done my best to learn from my mistakes, even if it took me more than one mistake to get the lesson. I’ve celebrated lots of milestones, achievements and successes over the years, and have been blessed with a loving family, many cherished friends and an awesome, perfectly-paired partner of 22 years.

I’ve overcome and released many obstacles, both those curve balls thrown at me by life and the challenges of my physical body, and those that were self-imposed. What I can tell you for sure is that the self-imposed ones were the toughest to get a handle on, release or master, and there are some that I still seem to carry with me – like a monkey on my back.

Of course, I realize that the monkey is sitting comfortably in the backpack that I provide as I figure things out along the way.

And it’s working. The load on my back is lighter and lighter and I am finally feeling the freedom I’ve yearned for over the years.

I guess you can say I’ve come into my own, I’ve shed my skin many times, and I am finally living as the Sue Urda I know I was born to be.

Looking to the clouds that have now morphed into new and glorious shapes, I know that I resemble them. I carry within me the experiences and feelings of each of these decades, and they continue to shape me and present me as the woman I am today. They’ve helped me to form my vision of the woman I wish to be as I move through the coming decades of my life, of the contribution I’d like to make, and the way I know I wish to feel in each moment.

***For more about how I see the world and what’s important to me, listen in as I am interviewed twice this week. See below for details. 

I know I have the ability to be whoever and whatever I desire, and to show up and present to the world all of me or whatever facet of me I see fit.

I know I have the option to shrink from the calling I have in my heart or breakthrough my comfort zone and embrace it.

In this moment and every one that follows, it is my sincere and heartfelt wish to allow the essence of me to spring forth like the luminescence of the sun, morph like the ever-changing clouds, and encompass the entire, brilliant spectrum of the rainbow.

As I move into my 55th year, I know that no matter what I’ve chosen so far, I’m not finished yet. There’s a lot more to come – lots of decisions, experiences and morphing … and I’m good with that.

I like the idea that life keeps changing, and no matter what comes my way in the coming 54 years, I’m up for the journey!

With love and gratitude for you,

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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Award-winning, #1 BestsellingAuthor, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network and Powerful You! Publishing. She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies  Sue is a thought leader who envisions a world full of people connected to their ‘feel-good’, and she’s here to help them do it. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are. www.sueurda.com www.powerfulyou.com


TUESDAY, July 15 at 3:00pm EST
Soulfullpreneur Radio Show
Listen via webcast: http://ow.ly/zaTUD
Call In to Listen and Ask me a Question – 347-308-8788
Replay available later at: http://soulfullpreneur.com/previous-shows/

SUNDAY July 20 – all day (must register to listen)
Holistic Health Keys Summit – Video Interview
**This summit is in progress now. Sign up to hear 21 incredible experts share their own secrets to lasting peace, fulfillment, and zest for life.


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  1. AmondaRose

    Hi Sue. I can totally relate. Your gratitude always shines through in everything you do!

    Abundant Birthday Blessings!

  2. Ericka Crawford

    Happy Birthday Sue! Thank you for continuing to share you – with all your light and love with the world.

  3. Sue Urda

    AmondaRose, I really treasure the experiences of each year and I know you do too! Feeling the abundant blessings you bestow upon me!

    Love you,

  4. Sue Urda

    Thanks Ericka! It’s an honor to share myself and get to know women like you.

  5. Roberta

    Thank-you so much for taking the time to share with us. As I neared the end of your writing, you say,” I can choose to shrink from my hearts desires or step out of my comfort zone”. How true and I could relate for where I am today. That sentence I will carry with me as I continue to live my hearts true desires!
    Happy Birthday and many blessings as you move through this wonderful year! They keep getting better!

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