As a kid, my biggest Sheroe was my mom. I swore she could do anything better and faster than anyone I knew. When we played basketball she even made more baskets than my dad and brothers. I wanted to be like her (except for the part where she cleaned the house so often).
These days, Mom is still one of my Sheroes and I have many more too. For me, Sheroes serve many purposes. They provide someone to look up to, admire and aspire to be like. They help us set our personal standards and goals and help us to draw our own lines in the sand. Sheroes provide a living example through the living of their lives and they provide light for us during our dark periods.
Here are a just a few of my Sheroes and why I love them.
Mother Teresa ~ She is the embodiment of Kindness, Compassion and Love for all human beings.
Ellen DeGeneres ~ She is an example of true and authentic living who uses humor and grace to bring joy and ease to millions.
Kumari Mullin ~ She is a gifted healer and beautiful woman who offers free healing to anyone in need, as she grows her business and follows her purposeful path. Click here
The 47 authors of our anthology book ~ Each of these women bares a part of their personal life journey to ease the way for others and to let them know that there truly is hope and joy no matter what.
I encourage you to find your own Sheroes and share them with everyone you know. Sheroes add fullness and meaning to life!
Now, that’s Powerful!
Want to meet some women who may be your Sheroes? Attend a Powerful You! meeting and be inspired by our amazing members.
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of three books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, Women Living Consciously and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.