Lose the Busyness ~ Gain Your Life

Lose the Busyness ~ Gain Your Life

Do you ever have too much on your plate? Are you overbooked, overworked, and overextended? Do you run out of hours in the day before you run out of tasks and activities to do?

Yes, I can hear you snickering and sighing, and I can even hear your brain rattling in your head as you shake it ‘yes’ with great force. And I can almost hear you thinking “this is normal”. Well, although this might be the norm, it is far from where a normal, in-touch individual should set their sights. And yet…

The truth is, you are not alone!

Overcommitting and overdoing it are so common that we’ve come to expect it from ourselves and from everyone else too. People that live healthy lives with healthy boundaries and who allow themselves time for fun, relaxation, and ‘me time’ are sometimes thought of as slackers. Of course, the people that call these self-respecting, practical, and well-balanced individuals slackers are the ones who run themselves ragged, have frayed nerves, and are often yawning or snapping at others due to a lack of downtime and rest.

Some might call this the typical life of an overachiever; I call it crazy.

I’m all for working on your hearts’ desires and for making the most of life. I’m for striving and doing what you know is the right thing to do in every moment. I have come to realize this also means sometimes the right thing to do is nothing at all. Sometimes, you simply need a break, a time out, or a nap.

Sometimes you must stop the doing, so you can get it all done.

I invite you to look at the busyness of your life and ask yourself some clarifying questions. Is what I’m doing necessary? Is it critical? Is it important? What would happen if I cut back or stopped doing some of the things on my list of to-dos’? Would important parts of my life suffer – or would they improve? How would it be for my relationships, career, health, finances, spiritual and emotional well-being? Ask yourself these questions. I can tell you from experience that it’s worth exploring.

In doing some soul searching, I’ve found that I go in spurts of getting caught up in the busyness and striving for the future without even enjoying the moment I’m in. I recognize that I would have been more productive and even happier if I had I let go of some of my ‘musts’ and traded them for some ‘I want to’s’ – and for some rest too. It’s an ongoing journey for me that’s getting easier as I practice it. I’ve cut back the busy and am more mindful of the moment—and I find I get more accomplished from this rested space. I hope you’ll do it too!

Now, that’s powerful! 

with much love and many blessings,


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  1. Darnell Gouzy

    Immediately after expressing this awaking perspective of life to my husband I read your article. It was as though you were over my shoulder hearing every word and sent a confirmation to support my decision!

    Thank you Sue!
    Darnell Gouzy

  2. Sue Urda

    I know exactly what you mean Darnell. I love the synchronicity of life and the immediate confirmation of what is good and right and true. Hope all is well with you!
    Namaste` with love,

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