The devastating shooting deaths in Florida over the weekend brought to the forefront so many emotions and feelings for so many people. On social media I saw everything from fear, sadness, grief, despair, and hate, to frustration and aggravation, to an outpouring of love, hope, and grace. Truly, the emotions ran all over the place – and rightfully so.
I imagine some people were surprised at the depth of their anger, and others were overwhelmed with a deep sadness not fully understanding how affected they were even though they didn’t personally know any of the victims. My heart cries for those who were slain, and for the families who lost their loved ones. The families and friends who didn’t get to say goodbye or I love you one last time. I can’t stop thinking of those who were there to witness the horror and the intense fear of facing what could be their last living moments. I feel grateful that my own friends and family are safe.
So much love, and so much fear – all brought to the surface.
When something unspeakable and horrific occurs, it brings out not only our most prominent and strongest emotions, it also brings out our innermost and latent emotions. On facebook I saw many people post about sending love, prayers, and peace to the victims, families and the LGBT community. This seems quite natural to me. It proves that we are all connected in some way. When one of us is hurting it effects each of us. I have always felt that we are all ONE, and I know that we are touched and forever changed by this senseless tragedy as well as the solidarity it brought forth.
I also saw many rants about guns, gays, and Muslims. Many people expressed such deep anger at our political system, the FBI, the gun laws, and immigration laws. I witnessed hate speech towards both Islam and the LGBT community, which for me, is so hurtful and appalling on so many levels. It reeks of separatism, inequality, and broad strokes of judgment and I feel deeply saddened by these sentiments.
I also noticed something I don’t quite understand. Despite the shooting of more than 100 people and the death of 50, some people didn’t mention it at all.
All of the outpouring or lack of it – whether it was based in love or fear reminds me of two things – First, how far we’ve come as unified beings, and second, that we still have a long way to go.
I know that those of us in the Powerful You! Community are the ones shining light and spreading love. We are the unifiers, the lovers of connection, and the beacon of oneness. As such, we have the ability to empower others to be and do the same.
Shine bright, my sisters!
I pray for the unity of all of us. I ask God/Universe/Spirit that we may all look upon one another as we look upon ourselves – with love, kindness, caring, and compassion.
With so much love for you,
Beautifully said, Sue. I second the sentiments you expressed here. Love is the answer. It is difficult to understand why everyone does not see it that way. That includes love and understanding for the perpetrator of this crime. It won’t be easy but I will include him in my prayer for healing.
Thank you, Sue, for sharing your words of wisdom, love, and connection.
Thank you Sue.
My heart aches for everyone affected by this tradegy and when I say everyone, I mean the victims, their families and people like you and I. I was one of the ones that didn’t post a comment probably for several reasons, the number one reason being my heart and mind just didn’t know what or how to say anything despite the overwhelming sadness that I felt and still feel.
People deal with grief in many forms and I learned long ago when a family member died, while everyone was wondering why his best friend never surfaced, I felt in my heart that he was dealing with it privately in the best way he knew how. As it turns out, I was exactly right.
I hope that this brings some level of understanding as to why some people didn’t say anything, like me, they just grieve a little different than others.
Like me, they may have shown their love and support by donating money through GOFund me.
Like me, others may be expressing their sorry through prayer and so many other ways and so many other reasons.
My heart will continue to ache for however long it takes for my mind to return to some level of normalcy.
Beautifully articulated Sue. We are all so connected. My heart goes out to everyone touched by this senseless act. All we can do to unify and help others heal is continue to love. Xo Gina
Your article was right-on with heart felt Love, and I agree we are all ONE if everyone would Wake Up NOW!!!
Dear friends,
I appreciate your comments and the love you share. I am grateful to be able to express myself and, hopefully through my words, help in the healing of the collective wounds of our souls. Someone wrote to me and said they are praying for the victims, families, friends, and LGBT community – and also for the soul of the shooter. Yes, he and his family and his community need and deserve our prayers too. After all, we are all ONE.
With love and gratitude,
Thank you Sue for writing in words what many hearts feel. Your words help us stay grounded. Hate and fear can only be overcome by experiences of love and grace. Praying for you to keep up your good work. Praying for all of us for understanding, wisdom, fortitude, knowledge, and love.
I am in agreement…and ONENESS of the unity of all. We have learned much, and are still learning. Reminders to one another of who we are and what we know is a valuable way to connect to people and to connect people with others, and with themselves.
Thanks for your well-stated thoughts, Sue. I think there may be one other reason that some people didn’t make comments about the events in Orlando. They were and are wanting to stat focused upon the positive in the world. To dwell in sadness, creates more sadness. To dwell in horror creates more horror. I, myself am not un-empathetic, but choose to direct my energy and light towards those things in the world that I want to see more of.