Why Raving Fans Matter
In order to have any level of success in any area of your life, you must have at least a few raving fans. Raving fans come in many varieties and sometimes they come from where you might least expect it. Some Raving Fans are “Born” into Your Life These would be your...
A Bad Mood is and Indicator of Change
Have you ever woken up ‘grumpy” or with a pervasive feeling of dread or sadness? You search your mind wondering where these feelings and thoughts come from, and you have no answer - just this horrible bad mood to deal with. So you try to change your mood by looking...
Play The Music that is Within You
The recent death of Michael Jackson sent shock waves through the world. People everywhere are talking about their memories of the man and his music. His idiosyncrasies, over-the-top lifestyle, changing facial structure and brushes with the law will no doubt be a...