Do you know … every possibility that exists for everyone else in the world also exists for you? It’s true. From where you sit at this very moment, the only thing that limits your scope of possibility is you. YOU are the one who decides what is possible for you. YOU are the one who decides whether you will try something new or stick with what you already know. And YOU are the one who creates fear or excitement about what is in front of you. Only you. Period.
Have You Peeked Inside Your Oyster Lately?
Years of observation and conditioning contribute to our limited thinking. Because we have watched certain things happen in our own lives and the lives of those we are closest with and/or most like, we assume that whatever happened for them or whatever was available for them is exactly the same for us. You are not wrong in thinking that these things are possible for you, but you are definitely limiting yourself if you think this is ALL that is possible for you. The truth is that you create your own possibilities through your own perceptual lens. Your subconscious mind only knows and draws upon memories and experiences. It is your conscious visionary mind that, when cultivated, will open your eyes to the unknown, never before seen world of possibilities that await you.
How Can You Open Yourself to Limitless Possibility?
Opening to limitless possibility is a simple and profound decision. All it takes is your awareness and conscious choice to be open to experience more than you already ‘know’, and to ready yourself to take the leap into the unknown. As you do this, you have chosen to follow in the footsteps of the many innovators and visionaries who have shaped the world as we know it today. The thing to know is that they didn’t necessarily do this with a huge worldly vision in mind. We are each creating and shaping the world that we live in when we make choices to shape the world immediately around us. It is a tiny shift, a tiny perception that brings about huge change and possibility over time.
‘Possibility’ is a State of Mind
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Thanks Sue, I needed to hear that this morning. I was feeling a little down this morning and opened up my email to find Powerful You and your Oyster topic. Hope you have a beautiful day.
Love, Light and Blessings to you…
You’re so welcome Bobbi! This note on possibility is also a reminder to me about how powerful we each are as creators of our world.
lots of love and positive energy to you,