What you are seeing around you at this very moment has very little to do with what is possible for your future. The situation you are currently in is a direct reflection of your past thinking and actions. What lies before you is whatever you decide and think about and feel from this day forward plus whatever inspired actions you take in the direction of your vision.
There is no pre-destined path for you that does not include your personal vision, dreams and desires. Literally, all paths are open to you and you may choose to walk upon any of them. In fact, these paths are yours for the creating. If you do not see a path before you that is of your choosing, you may blaze a new trail. There is literally nothing off limits to you.
If you limit your thinking by dwelling on what you have created thus far, you will limit your future as well. Your present conditions are not a dictate for your future. If you look closely though, you will learn much about the mindset, feelings and actions that got you here in the first place. If you are happy with it then choose to continue – if you are not happy with it then choose to change. Choose to be thankful for the lessons learned and choose to move forward with grace and determination.
Wishing you feelings of ABUNDANCE as you move forward in inspiration!