Where Are You Headed?

Have you taken time to evaluate where you’re headed in your life? Have you looked at where you are versus where you would like to be? You can start by taking a few minutes to look at your current circumstances and comparing them to where you were a year ago.

Has the picture changed? Have you moved forward, moved back or remained “status quo”? More importantly, how do you feel about your progress and your current position?

Next, take a few minutes to look at where you would like to be versus where you are. In looking forward, visualize the perfect life for you. How do you look? How do you feel? What are you doing? Who are you with? Feel the feelings of being there, having it now, really living the life you desire.

Now, write it down. Writing it down makes it real. You will find that a simple evaluation of where you were, where you are, and where you are headed, automatically puts you on the right path for you. People, circumstances and events will begin to show up to assist you, guide you and lead you, simply because you know where you’re headed.

Where are you headed? Now, that’s Powerful!

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  1. Mary Jane Hurley Brant

    I thank you for this timely message, Sue. I know where my spirit presently is and where it is taking me: giving me away.

    When I can help someone, encourage someone, celebrate someone, I do it. I am volunteering more. Previously, I thought I got a buy – given my profession – but that was my lofty excuse. No more. I am volunteering now because it is not only a good thing for our world but it makes me feel really good. That is where I am going on my highway of dreams.

    Years ago I knew an old priest, Father Hugh Nolan, who was devoted to helping. He told me more than once, “Mary Jane, the Lord will never be outdone in generosity.” He himself was tireless in his efforts to help others.

    We all need role models. He was one for me.


  2. Donna

    “Where Are You Headed” really got me thinking of my future. What do I want and where do I want to go with my life. Sue, your writings have always inspire me, but this one has me really thinking hard. I think I will paint my future on a canvas so I can see it everyday until it comes true. Thanks for another inspiring topic.

  3. Sue Urda

    Dear MJ and Donna,
    You are both such beautiful women and your hearts are filled with great love. As you share your love with others, your own life is filled with boundless joy and and countless blessings … Let it in. As artists, you feel deeply. Open yourselves, even if it feels vulnerable, and feel the beauty of your own love being reflected back to you.
    with love and gratitude for you both, sweet friends,

  4. Angelena Morales

    I just joined as a member yesterday. I stumbled upon this site while searching for
    information on buisness plan writing, funding etc. and found the SBA in staten island on castleton. I have been writing down where I want to be headed ,and finding your site was timely as ever! I also signed up for the Networking meeting scheduled for tomorrow in Staten Island just last night. I wasn’t sure if it was too late, but took the chance anyway. I hope to meet alot of inspiring women because I am just starting out. My business is only on paper now, and I am now working on the product.
    I look forward to meeting you tomorrow and thankyou so much for being their in my path as I go on this journey.
    Angelena Morales(InspiresVisionPublishing)

  5. Sue Urda

    Hello Angelena,
    It is amazing the synchronicity we find as life unfolds perfectly before us. Having your business on paper is quite powerful and has set the stage for it’s manifestation. I know you will enjoy the meeting tomorrow in Staten Island, because there will be many inspiring women present. I look forward to meeting you.
    with gratitude,

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