Are You Merry and Bright?

‘Tis the season for good cheer, peace on earth and blessings. So why do you have moments of overwhelm and even sadness when the rest of the world seems to be merry and bright? It’s simple. The holidays bring up and amplify for us those emotions that may have been lingering just below the surface. On the outside you appear to be well, organized, in control and enjoying the bustle of the holidays; on the inside though, you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, worries about not enough money or time, lack of love or perhaps you are especially missing the presence of a loved one. What’s a girl to do?

How can you get into the holiday spirit and still honor these feelings that are coming up?

First, you must be honest with yourself. Decide if you need some outside help from a professional or a good long talk with a trusted friend. Verbalizing or writing down your feelings will help to express and even release the negative emotions, so that you may create a plan of action and be more at ease. Next, you must focus your thoughts and activities to ones that warm your heart, make you smile and bring a sense of joy to your soul. Giving of yourself for the soul purpose of bringing joy to another instills an attitude of gratitude in your heart. Music is another sure-fire way to set the mood, so choose songs that create the feelings you desire. And make some “me time” to center yourself and provide rest to your mind and body. Being Merry and Bright is a hallmark of the season and it is also the essence of your spirit.

As you consciously choose Merry and Bright over Bah Humbug, you will see blessings and miracles in the smallest of things.

Now, that’s Powerful!

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  1. Nicole Mckinney

    Hi Sue,
    Thank youfor your ongoing posts of inspiration. I find them inspiring as well as good reminders to keep focused on that most positive, joyful energy that brings out the best in each of us.
    Thank you,

  2. Mary Jane Hurley Brant

    Dear Sue,

    As you understand deeply, we women are by nature relational. Therefore, our first relationship must be with ourselves. If we feel generous toward ourself we will feel giving toward another. If we do not feel loving toward ourself, we need to ask ourself why not? Then, as you suggested, we need to explore the reasons for why not with a professional, a friend, a person in the clergy or a spiritual community. This season is the perfect time to begin.

    So to all of my Powerful You! Sisters, look around in your life and see who is there to love today but remember to begin first by looking into the mirror of your own soul. That is where it begins. That is where we find some peace. And that is where the answers lie to the questions we are asking.

    Peace and love in this holiday season,

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