Joy is a choice. It is not something someone else gives to you. It is not something you find. It is not a time or a moment in your life. Joy is a choice. In each moment, in each interaction, in each person, it is up to you to recognize the joy, create the joy and be the joy. It is no one else’s job to bring joy to you. It is completely your choice.
Choose to cultivate an attitude of joy.
How can you do this? Decide to be happy – no matter what. Decide to be the life of the party. Decide to make someone else’s day. Decide to make your own day. Choose to have fun. Choose to be with people you love. If you can’t be with them – think about them, call them or email them. Tell them you love them and share your life and your joy with them. In sharing and spreading joy, you create your own joy. A giving, happy you is a joyful you.
EN-JOY yourself always, no matter what!
Now, that’s Powerful!