Even a Tiny Light Brightens a Dark Space

Big Sky with Sun Rays and Grasst is in the darkest of rooms that we can see even the smallest crack of light peeking through the blackness. It seems to cut through the dark like a knife. This same small crack of light cannot even be seen when it enters an already lit room. Our lives are like this. We often overlook the tiny bits of good that are coming to us because we already have other good around us. Does this mean that another small bit of good, another ray of light, coming into our lives doesn’t matter? On the contrary…it is the many tiny bits of light and goodness that come to us each day that contribute to our overall sense of well-being and general happiness.

Why do we take everyday good for granted?

As human beings and as a society, we have become super-busy and often overloaded with stimuli. Because of this, we have become complacent in recognizing the tiny shifts occurring each and every moment of the day. Even thought we know that our conscious awareness and attention to these shifts could provide us with more ease and a sense of control, we opt to ignore them in favor of confusing our comfort zones.

What would you see if you opened your eyes?

Imagine opening your eyes and actually seeking the tiny cracks of light entering your life each day – the smiles of friends, the pleasantries in the supermarket, the compliments from your boss. Choose awareness over busyness. Choose curiosity over boredom. Choose love over all. It is there for you.

Open your eyes and let the light shine in.

Now that’s Powerful!

Find even more light when you join us at a Powerful You! meeting.

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