Exponential Returns

In business there is a principle that we know about, but don’t discuss as often as would seem logical.  This principle states that we should choose to do those things that will benefit us, not only for today, but will continue to reap benefits and rewards for years to come.  A variation of this is duplication.  With duplication, you can teach someone else to do what you do and you get some sort of benefit or override on their results. Since so many people know these principles, why do so few people practice them?

Make it easy on yourself and take stock of your efforts.

Are you doing the same task, or typing the same information into an email, or saying the exact same words to different people over and over and over again?  Do you often feel that you are wasting time?  Now is the time to systematize your efforts.  Now is the time to get organized.  Make a list of those things you find yourself repeating.  Then, find a way to standardize your actions. Make a master email that you can simply copy and paste instead of re-typing each time. Create “group” or “lists” of like contacts for email purposes.  Set up a conference call or record and audio message when you have to deliver the same information to many individuals.  Set up systems that are automated, like having your blog post immediately to several different websites. Yes, setting up systems may take extra time initially.

You will find that the exponential returns in the long run are worth it.

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