Fabric of Life


Think about a time that you were completely wrapped up in a project – worked wholeheartedly and seemingly non-stop and then suddenly, boom…it’s over. Have you ever felt like you don’t know what to do with yourself?  I mean, now that the party is over, the thing is done, you’ve celebrated, you’ve rested, you’ve closed the file and the dust has settled, how do you decide what comes next?

The truth is that life (and business) is a continuation of projects, goals and desires.  They don’t really ever end…they simply continue on, one right after the other. And if we are very lucky and if we have taken the time intiailly to create the big vision for our lives, then all of these desires will overlap, ‘blur’ and build upon one another, and they will naturally lead us to the next organic and God-sent step.

Yes, there is the natural tendency to want closure, completion and to ‘finish’ a thing, but there is also the tendency for growth, nurturing and continuation. If you look back over your life, you will see that it is a compilation of both continuation and completion woven together to form the beautiful fabric of your life. This fabric is a rich blend of all you have ever seen, spoken and done. It holds memories, dreams and desires. It holds losses, fears and failures. And as you look at it, you will see that it was all necessary to make your life exactly what it is today. No part can be left out or you would not be the same individual you are in this moment.

Look upon the fabric of your life as you would a fine piece of art. Feel the softness, the beauty and the flaws, and allow them to fill you up – they are yours.

As for the next project, the next path, the next vision – allow it to flow naturally to you. It is there for the having.

Now, that’s Powerful!

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