Giving as a Way of Life

We know that giving has a way of making us feel really, really good. This, in and of itself, is a good enough reason to give of yourself, your energy, your time and your stuff to others. As you feel good, more good is drawn unto you. Therefore, focusing your attention on how good you feel as you are giving will actually, and literally, bring more good directly to you.

Both you and the receiver are rewarded in the giving process.

When was the last time you gave selflessly for the good of another individual? Most likely, it was today. People as a whole are natural givers and sharers. We like the sense of community and connection that comes with giving. We like to make others feel good, to help them and to ease their pain. Now, for the big question; when was the last time you gave something to yourself? You are at least as important as everyone else. Giving yourself time, nurturing and attention is good for you. It is also good for the people you love and the whole planet. Give freely, wholly and lovingly to yourself and others.

Then, watch as good flows swiftly and abundantly to you.

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