What The Heck Has Been Going On?

nurse-practitioners-what-the-heck-is-with-all-those-initials-after-your-name-4-638It’s been several weeks since we sent out a newsletter and I am wondering ‘where did the time go’? This is a rhetorical question, of course, because time is an illusion and a human-made construct designed to mark the passage of our lives.

And seriously, even though I know this, it still feels like minutes, hours, and days are moving more quickly than ever lately and I’m not quite sure what to make of it all. I know that we’ve been working with our authors and we had a 2 week family ‘staycation’ with my mom and sister where we bonded, chilled out, had plenty of beach time and great conversations. We’ve had some strategy sessions to design an expansion and next moves for Powerful You! Women’s Network, and we’ve done some blue sky thinking and planning for our overall vision.

As I write this it sounds like a lot, and yet I still feel like I’ve lost time (which is not real, I know, I know). When I look back on where I’ve been, what I’ve done, and how it made me feel, I feel good about it. It gives me peace of mind. Although I might have been out of my ‘normal’ routine, I’m still on track and that’s good with me!

So what have you been up to? Can you quantify it?

Can you make sense of what you’ve been doing with your days, your, hours, your minutes? And when you do quantify it, does it feel good to you? Do you feel accomplished or at least on track?

Do you feel like you’re truly LIVING? Or are you just surviving?

If you feel like life is passing you by or that you want something different than what you’ve experienced so far, no worries! There is good news. Life is here for the asking. You have the ability to get whatever you desire from life by creating it. So often we allow life to just happen to us instead of being actively engaged. We forget that we are the co-creators of our lives and we get to direct it through our thoughts and actions. May this serve as a simple reminder to that you’ve got this. Yes, YOU are this powerful!

The choice is yours. How will you direct your life?

Have you made the choice to live in the Grace of life?

Do you feel grateful for the beauty life has provided to you?

Share your story in our next anthology, The Gifts of Grace & Gratitude.

Get details and listen to an informational webcast now.

Click Here

Live in a state of creation!

with love,


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