Personal Development and Spiritual Growth is so undervalued when it comes to the role it plays in business growth and success. Surveys show that 80% of people spend less than $200 on their personal development. What they probably don’t realize is that it’s directly affecting – in a not so good way – the level of success they will achieve.
Who You Are as a Person is Who You Are in Business
When you decide to work on yourself, increase your skills, and open yourself to the possibility of an advanced and upgraded you, you set yourself up for so much more than an improved person. You put in place the elements necessary for business success too. You become more connected to what matters, you gain better communication with your inner self, your brain works more efficiently, your interpersonal skills and likability factor goes up and you become much more effective as an individual and team player.
As You Invest in Yourself Personally, You’ll Advance Professionally
And not only will you set yourself up for success professionally, you’ll set yourself up for success in all areas of your life including your relationships, your physical and emotional well-being and your finances and abundance.
Seek out teachers and classes that resonate with you. Whether you want to grow our brain power, tune more powerfully into your intuition and hone your instincts, expand your heart space, better your communication skills or improve your connection to the God of your choosing… just do it. There’s no wrong place to start. Take a class. Tune in to a Telesummit (see below for two great ones this month). Read a book or listen to a CD set. All of these will be to your benefit and you will grow in ways you can’t even imagine yet.
Now, that’s Powerful!
Want to meet some amazing women and work on personal development with them? Attend a Powerful You! meeting and connect with our inspiring members.
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network and Powerful You! Publishing. She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of three books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, Women Living Consciouslyand Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.