
You Don’t Need Fixing

You Don’t Need Fixing

What is this incessant need to make ourselves better? Why don’t we accept who we are and what we have as enough? Blame it on Your Parents Sure, this sounds a little bit harsh, but there is no denying the conditioning that took place in our formative years. We idolized...

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I Lovingly Forgive Myself. I Am Free.

I Lovingly Forgive Myself. I Am Free.

“Judgment and blame are the weightiest thoughts of all, as they lack love.” Marianne Williamson “I forgive myself.”  Imagine saying these words and meaning them. Imagine truly being able to forgive yourself for things you have done or said in the past. Imagine truly...

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Reflect, Release and Recharge

Reflect, Release and Recharge

As we enter the new year, we find ourselves reflecting on the status of our lives. We look back on where have we been, what we have we done, whom have we interacted with and why things turned out as they did. We find ourselves happily rejoicing over successes,...

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