It’s true. There is not a single situation, circumstance or person that cannot be answered with love. A loving response carries with it the essence of life and, as such, is always welcomed and understood at the level of Spirit.
When You Answer with LOVE You will Always be Heard
Valentine’s Day is a reminder of demonstrating the love we feel in our hearts. Use this day to reflect upon those you love, what you love about them and the many ways you can express this love on an on-going basis. Why? The more loving thoughts and actions you bring into your awareness, the more loving an existence you create. You will find that more people start to show you love and you will automatically be guided to loving thoughts and situations. And really, can you ever have too much love in your life? Absolutely not!
Choose Love in Each Moment and Love will Choose You!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
we came here to love, be loving and receive love.
when things are not going quite right, stop, and focus on love pouring from your heart to another person or situation…
Love is that powerful…It works!
Dear Sue,
This sounds very much like “Course In Miracles”. Is that your inspiration?
Moon ~
I agree completely. We are first and above all creatures of love. It is the most powerful gift of all!
Joan ~
Yes, Course in Miracles is one of the many inspirations I draw from and life my life by. As we know our lives are a series of experiences and lessons all wrapped up in feelings. Bringing love in is the highest calling I can imagine.
sending love,