You are Powerful… Yes, YOU!

You are powerful beyond measure… Yes, YOU!

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What you say and do matters. How you feel and the vibes you’re emitting touch everyone around you, and these vibes go on to effect the entire population and planet.

We’ve all heard it before “Ain’t Momma happy, ain’t nobody happy” — that’s what this means. Your feelings matter that much.
Transform the not so good ones into something worth sharing! It starts with you.

YOUR FEELINGS are an inside job – so begin by thinking about what you’re thinking about. Guide your thoughts to things that empower, excite and inspire you. Hold in your minds’ eye the image and vision of the circumstances you desire. Feel in your heart that which is pure love.

YOU ARE CHANGING THE WORLD simply by being alive, simply by feeling whatever you feel. Why not change it for the better?

Now, that’s Powerful!

with love and gratitude,
Sue Urda

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