Scientists have been studying the interaction of human beings for centuries and the conclusion is always the same. We need each other. Physically we have a need for human touch. Infants who are not held and touched in their first months of life either die or become emotionally and physically stunted in their growth. We recognize physical intimacy as a powerful tool for increased energy and stimulating creativity. As we observe those people who are loners, whose who withdraw from society, we often label them as being a ‘few cards short of a deck’, because they often lose the ability to function ‘normally’ with other people.
If you think you can make it on your own – think again.
Some people are hell-bent on making it on their own. They value independence so greatly that they sometimes push away those people whose love and support feeds them and makes them stronger. In their rush to ‘be strong’ and ‘worthy’ and ‘in charge’, they forget the most important reason for being on this planet. They forget that they are part of the beautiful dance of life, and that even though they may wish to lead, it is the interaction and movements of their partner(s) that makes the dance complete.
Along the journey of life, many people will cross our path and we will have different experiences with each of them. There will be those who are with us for much of our life journey. These would be our family and long-time friends. These people help to shape our opinions and attitudes and they inform the way we show up on a day to day basis. These are people with whom we have a deep bond – either a nurturing and gratifying bond or one that provides enough resistance that we choose to ‘buck the system’ of this tie and move in another direction that is better suited to our needs. As much as we may not wish to acknowledge these ties or try to release ourselves from their grip, these ties, these people, by virtue of proximity and time spent with them, are a major contributor to our own sense of self. Our ability to understand their influence may prove to be a savior in times of frustration or being stuck.
Then, there are those people who pass swiftly in and out of our lives. It is sometimes like a whirlwind where we are tossed about, made to see things from a completely new perspective and then tossed back into the fray for another go-round – only this time we know nothing will ever look the same again. There are also those who pass gently in and out of lives for a brief time to impart a singular message or a new point of view. Both of these ‘in and outers’ may be seen as angels. The thing about these angels is that we may not take them seriously because their presence is so short-lived. This would be a mistake, because the master plan reminds us that everything, and everyone, happens for a reason.
There is no way around it – we need each other.
Have you ever noticed how very much you like the company of a certain person? It may be their humor, wit or wisdom that attracts you. It may be their attention to you and the love that they show. Or it may be the comfort you feel in their presence, or the simple act of bringing them to mind. What could cause such feelings?
It is our basic need to be connected. It is our basic need to be loved. And it is our basic need to accept that we are part of something so much greater than ourselves. What is this ‘greater essence’ that we are part of? It is the understanding that we are a dot in the cosmos, and more importantly a dot that changes the landscape of humanity. Just like each of the ‘dots’ around us, we are part of a master plan created by the Divine. If you ever question your own reason for being, then you must question that of each and every person on the planet. YOU are a messenger of light and so is everyone you meet. Bask in the essence of this knowledge and you will recognize the infinite worth of it all… including you, including them.
We need each other. Now, that’s Powerful!
Indeed, Sue, we need one another. As human beings we are social animals, albeit with souls. That means we need connection. We need relationship that goes deep and yet transcends the day in and day out.
Men enjoy relationships very much but we women? We need it to survive and thrive because it feeds our souls. It is manna for our spirit. It is spiritual food.
Oh MJ, I couldn’t agree more. We women truly do need the sense of deep connection to others in order to survive and feel good about ourselves and life. As for me, I have been so busy lately that I find I am missing this connection with some dear friends of mine – like you!