Why Does EASY Get a Bad Rap?

If it’s easy, it’s too good to be true. You have to work hard if you want to make the big bucks. If you’re looking for the easy way, you’re lazy. I know you’ve heard some of these… Maybe you’re the one saying them or maybe they’re a tiny, persistent voice in your...

The Storm Remains

So many people are still in the dark – and no, this is not a metaphor. How can it be that a whole week has passed since Superstorm Sandy battered her way through the Caribbean Islands, the Eastern seaboard and made landfall in the Northeast U.S., that so many of us...

So You Think You Want To Be an Author

Have you ever said or thought these words … “I know I have a book in me, but I don’t have the time to write it” or, “I know my story would help lots of people, but it costs too much money to publish a book”?  There are lots of people out there in the same boat and...

Getting Others to Agree with You

There are times when you feel very clear about your path and you trust the direction in which you are moving. Much of the time, you find that others involved will be right there with you, totally aligned and in agreement. On occasion though, as you move forward...

A September 11th Remembrance

I remember waking up on Sept. 11th ten years ago. I was in Las Vegas for a sign convention with Kathy. I turned on the television to Good Morning America and instead I saw what looked like a disaster zone. We were confused about what we were seeing because the words...


Media Information: 1.  About Powerful Intentions ~ Everyday gratitude – Click Here 2.  About the Author – Sue Urda – Click Here 3.  Press Releases- A Cure for Life’s Hiccups, Financial Uncertainty and the Blues First Time Author is Recognized with...
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