So many people live their lives with blinders on. They fail to see what is in front of them right now, in this moment, and instead they seem to focus on and live in the past. The past has passed. You can’t effect it or change it, and no matter what, it will always be a part of you. Feeling regretful or hurt by the past will cause your vibration to be lowered, your creativity to be stifled, your relationships to stagnate and your physical body to deteriorate. Focusing on the past serves no one – especially not you.
LOOKING at the past on occasion with the purpose of learning about yourself and others may be a valuable tool. It may serve to enhance your life, move you toward something you desire and provide a sense of ease and knowing about your current situation or path. The thing to remember as you look at the past is that it does not equal the future. In other words, the past is not a predictor for the future. It is simply something that happened at one time, and it has no bearing on whether or not this same thing will happen again. The past has passed, the future is now, and YOU are the only one who decides if your future will be the same as your past.
Let go of the past. Imagine instead, the possibilities that exist when you look at what surrounds you in this moment. Right now, at this particular moment in time, all things are possible. Possibilities do not exist in the past; possibilities exist in your mind. By using your mind and your thoughts today, you can drive your existence on whatever path you choose. It is true that you are the creator of your life. The part that the past plays is completely up to you.
When you open your eyes to what’s in front of you, you will feel lighter, freer and happier. Sure, you may also feel a bit afraid, because the future is unknown; but the truth is, the unknown means that all possibilities are available to you, and this includes a whole slew of great stuff.
So here is the question to which YOU have the answer for YOU … What’s in front of you?