Think Pink

When we hear these words, most of our thoughts automatically go to breast cancer. We think of the women we know who are directly affected – our friends, family members, colleagues, people in our spiritual circles, celebrities and others. We think of the women and their families living with the disease as well as those who have passed.

Often, when we “think pink”, we tend to think of the disease rather than healing and wellness. We tend to think of the suffering rather than the beauty, strength, heightened consciousness and awareness that it brings into so many lives. We tend to think of the struggle and strife rather than the new-found gratitude for every precious day with our loved ones.

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are surrounded by reminders in the form of pink ribbons, walks for a cure, and bright pink t-shirts. As you think pink, I invite you to think with gratitude on the strides we have made, the relationships that have become closer, the women who have survived and thrived, and all those who contribute to the wellness of all women. As you think pink, I invite you to take excellent care of your physical body and your emotional health, honor and nurture your relationships with your loved ones, and above all, I invite you to love yourself.

It is in loving yourself that you become a healthier and happier individual, and you will recognize that thinking pink means LOVE.

Now, that’s Powerful!

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  1. Cheryl Lesser

    Dear Sue:

    As a breast cancer survivor approaching my one year anniversary of being cancer free as I received the diagnosis on October 27. I wanted to thank you for the Think Pink message. This year has been a journey, thoughI celebrate and appreciate all that I have in my life, such as becoming a member of your wonderful organization of women…….Powerful You!

    “Cancer is a word, not a sentence.” ~John Diamond

    Have a beautiful powerful day,

    Cheryl Lesser

  2. Kimberly Klein

    Hi Sue,
    I hope that you know all of your “Wisdom” is so appreciated. This one especially about Celebrating our lives. We must make sure that we cherish every moment on God’s green Earth! I lost my Mom 9 years ago this month to Lung Cancer at the age of 59 years young. We must all take care of ourselves… Cherish our bodies, our lives, and our souls!
    If we have a friend that cannot seam to do it for themselves, we must be sure to embrace and encourage them to strive to be their very best. We have to be each other’s cheerleader, and keep our sisters’ spirits’ “High on Life”!
    Be well and peace,
    Kimberly Klein

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