We are bred to make judgments. Early on as kids we are taught the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. This translated to who we should be friends with, what school, sport and instrument is best for us, how to talk to authority figures, what to eat and even the type of person we want the world to see us as. And I don’t know if it felt this way to you, but I always felt that my parents wanted me to ‘just know this’ – almost as if I didn’t have time to learn it through experience, but that I should simply know what was right. What I realize now is that they were teaching me their version of ‘right’ and ‘good’, because they wanted to save me the trouble and angst of perhaps struggling through. I get this and I am thankful to them. At the same time, I realize that I became very judgmental and lived this way for much of my life.
How Can We Let Go of Something that is So Deeply a Part of Us?
The quick decisions I made about people were often based upon what my parents thought or what the world at large held in high regard. I was very much a team player and a ‘go with the flow/don’t rock the boat, baby” kind of girl, and this served me well for much of my life. These past several years though, I have recognized the detriment that these beliefs and judgments have brought to me. They affected my health, my relationships, my career, my finances and most importantly how I viewed myself. The work I have done over the past 9 years to release judging others as well as to release their judgments of me has allowed me to accept others and myself for who we each are – warts and all – and it has especially helped me to be more of myself.
Yes, as You Release Judgment of Others,
You also Release Judgment of Yourself
Our society greatly values those people who can look at a person or situation and immediately ‘see the potential, the reality and the truth’ of what is in front of them. Those who can make snap decisions and take action on them are highly revered – especially in the business and financial world. I admire these people – not because they are so smart. I don’t think it is their brains that they are tapped in to. I believe they are tapped in to and living from their intuitive center – their gut. What releasing judgment means to me is to get out of my head and to live more fully in the flow of life force energy. It means that I allow myself to be drawn into the feeling place of good and bad, rather than the ‘brainiac’ space of it.
In Releasing Judgment I have found My Center.
In Releasing Judgment I have found My Self.
You can do it too. Opt to see people as whole and complete. Opt to see them as Children of God. Opt to see them without judgment. As you allow yourself to release any judgment you have held for others, you will also release the judgment they have had about you…and perhaps more importantly, you will simultaneously release the judgment you have unconsciously had about yourself.
Now, notice how you feel. The weight will be lift from your shoulders and your heart, your gut will ease up, and the muscles of your body will physically relax. And you will feel an energetic pull towards EASE. Ahhh… For me, this is the best reward of all.
Happy Release. Happy You.
Wishing You Ease and Grace!
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About the Author: Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of two books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are. www.sueurda.com
Oh, Sue, thanks for this post. Releasing judgment, coupled with practicing unconditional love for self, are the pillars of happiness and the healing balsam for relationship. I’m so glad you shared this. Big blessings for the holidays.
Hi Maria, Yes, unconditional love is such a beautiful cornerstone for happiness, true joy and loving relationships. Big blessings back to you Maria!
This was a thoughtful newsletter, Sue. Thank you for writing your honest feelings and sharing your journey with us.
I try not to judge anymore. That is not to say that I have stopped observing because from my perspective that would not be living a conscious life.
Whether our souls dip and plunge to the depths or soar to the greatest heights, we are living a conscious life only when we acknowledge where we are emotionally as human beings. It’s not necessary that we tell anyone or everyone; that’s a personal call, but it is imperative that we allow ourselves to know.
Peace be with you, Kathy and all my friends at Powerful You and peace be with me, too, a fellow traveler and a friend,
Dearest MJ,
You have a beautiful sense of the truth, and I have observed you to be a woman who knows the truth of conscious living. Yes, the most important thing is to be honest with ourselves… not always an easy thing to do, but definitely worth it .
Thank you for the wishes of Peace ~ I find it elusive sometimes and it is something I desire and hold high on my ‘list’. I wish you Peace too MJ! Enjoy all the hugs and kisses from your beautiful grandbabies!