by Sue Urda | Sep 25, 2012 | Comon Sense
Imagine this… You are a busy woman. You have planned your entire day, and even your week for that matter, and then you get the email. You know: the email from a dear friend or a respected colleague with the subject line that reads “I need a favor…” Your first...
by Sue Urda | Jan 10, 2012 | Connection, Mindfulness
In the course of a day, I run across so many things that don’t make sense to me. Yesterday, I got some coffee from a restaurant in a food court. When I proceeded to the area to get some cream and sugar, I found that it was also the order pick-up window. I was...
by Sue Urda | Jan 26, 2011 | Duplicate
In the course of a day, I run across so many things that simply don’t make sense to me. Yesterday, I got some coffee from a restaurant in a food court. When I proceeded to the area to get some cream and sugar, I found that it was also the order pick-up window. I was...