by Sue Urda | Mar 8, 2013 | Empowerment
Every woman makes a difference in this world. Your individual energy and actions effect those who are around you. And the collective energy of all women shifts the entire world. Yes, you are that powerful. And together we are awesome. Choose to share your love and...
by Sue Urda | Sep 9, 2012 | Events
Powerful You! Women’s Network gratefully announces the Women Living ConsciouslyTM National Tour 2012 – 2103. These events reach out to women across the entire country and they are beneficial for women from all walks of life, especially entrepreneurs and women...
by Sue Urda | Aug 21, 2012 | Publishing, Uncategorized
Have you ever said or thought these words … “I know I have a book in me, but I don’t have the time to write it” or, “I know my story would help lots of people, but it costs too much money to publish a book”? There are lots of people out there in the same boat and...
by Sue Urda | May 6, 2012 | Events
May 2012 –Powerful You! Publishing is grateful to announce the successful launch of their newly-released book, Women Living Consciously: Real Stories of Women Living on Purpose, with Passion, Empowered. The book reached the Number One Ranking in the...
by Sue Urda | May 1, 2012 | Events
Some days are tough… or at least they feel that way when you’re in the middle of them! There are times when you don’t know if you have the strength to get through and yet you “keep on keepin’ on” because you simply feel that you don’t have a choice. The truth is, you...