The Power of A Superstorm

WOW!  Who knew we would be living through one of the worst storms ever in the history of the Northeast United States?  Even if you were not in the path of Superstorm Sandy, you have surely seen and heard the devastation that has taken place across much of our country.  So many people are dealing with the after-effects of the amazing and powerful Mother Nature and there are some still in the midst of rain, winds, thunder, lightning and even snow. It seems that being as physically prepared as possible for a storm of this magnitude guarantees very little in terms of riding through the storm and the aftermath of it.

Kinda Makes You Think, Doesn’t It?

Living here in the US we take so many things for granted… running water and electricity, public transportation and private cars, stocked shelves in grocery stores and public assistance from a multitude of social services, phone and internet service 24/7 and of course other people to help us whenever we need them.  We have come to expect convenience in pretty much every area of our lives and, to some extent; we have come to expect ease. The truth is that we don’t often think of the conveniences as we experience them, we only think of them when we don’t have them.

And Then There’s Gratitude…

I am wondering if you are feeling extra grateful today.  Even if you were in the midst of the storm, are you feeling grateful to have made it through? Are you grateful to have water to drink and enough to eat? Are you grateful that you and your loved ones are healthy and alive? Are you grateful for the kindness of strangers and the gift of community? The truth is there is always a silver lining; and everyone who has ever made it through a history-making event like Sandy, or even a ‘smaller’ event like a cold or a stubbed toe will tell you that some good has come out of it.  I am guessing you have much to be grateful for and many blessings to count right now. Let’s do it together, out loud. And this time, let’s keep the gratitude going!

Now, that’s Powerful!

Want to meet some women who find something to be grateful for no matter what? Attend a Powerful You! meeting and connect with our inspiring members.

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About the Author:  Sue Urda is an Author, Speaker, Inspirer and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network and Powerful You! Publishing, She was named twice on Inc. Magazines list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies and is the author of three books, Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude, Women Living Consciously and Empowering Transformations for Women. Sue’s vision is to contribute to a global consciousness of women helping women succeed in business and in life and to open them to truth of who they are.

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