There’s Lots Going On Here…

6572951_origIf you’re anything like me, you’re pretty darn busy right now. This is one of the busiest times our business has had in a few years — we have a big road trip coming up with our Grow Tour happening in just about two weeks, we’re working with authors for our next two anthologies, we’re creating a new program that will be announced on our tour, our women’s network continues to blossom, we’re putting the final touches on our brand new shiny website, and we have a few other irons in the fire too.

PFEW! Just writing this makes my heart beat faster.

And that doesn’t include anything that’s going on for me personally… and we know, there’s always something coming our way beyond our ‘normal’ everyday stuff. It’s no wonder I feel a bit anxious and overwhelmed in between the excitement of it all.

Thank Goodness I Have Some Tools in Place!

I find that when I’m super busy and I’m running around like a crazy woman to try to make everything happen and put out the occasional fire or two, that it’s especially necessary to stay the course and use my mindfulness practices. For me, this means taking time to chill out, to renew, to read a bit, do a crossword puzzle, do some yoga, take a walk on the beach (it’s really close by), meditate, make a call to a friend, or simply sit on the lanai and listen to the birds and feel the breeze on my face.

When I don’t have the time, I know I must make the time.

Look, we all know how it goes… when we’re at our busiest we cut out the things that don’t obviously move us to the completion of the tasks at hand. But that’s a big mistake! It’s the mindfulness practices that I actually practice that renew me, calm me, center me, and put me in the focused frame of mind and restful state of body to be able to perform at a higher level. It’s these practices that bring ease and grace to my actions and my interactions. It’s these practices that keep me sane!

It’s the truth. I know it and you know it.

We must fuel our minds, bodies, and spirits. We must pay attention to how we’re feeling, and take care of our physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. Yes, of course, we must take care of business and the needs our families and homes. And what better energy to put into all of these than one of a rested, calm, centered, and dare I say, happy self who’s feeling healthy, vibrant, and strong!

Make my practices your practices.

Take it to heart when I tell you that I want you to feel as good as I do. I’d love for you to feel focused and on track even in the midst of busyness and even chaos. I invite you to take a step back, take good care of yourself, and smile as you sit back and chill out. Ahhhh….

Yep. Chill Out, Baby!

Wishing you peace and focus ~ Sue

About the Author: Sue Urda is the Feel Good Guidess. She is an Award-Winning and #1 Bestselling Author, Speaker, Inspirer, and Co-Founder of Powerful You! Women’s Network & Powerful You! Publishing. Sue is a two-time honoree on the INC Magazine list of the 500 Fastest-Growing Private Companies. Having started 3 companies since 1989, Sue knows the challenges and joys young businesses face, and she is committed to helping entrepreneurs and all women thrive, get connected, share their stories, and feel good. Through the sharing of her business, personal development and spiritual growth experiences, Sue loves assisting women in their own pursuit of success, purposeful-living & freedom, and her mission is to connect women to each other, their visions & themselves. Connect with Sue Urda at: and

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