The Cool Side of the Pillow

201112-orig-sleep-disruptors-pillows-284x426We are greatly enjoying our time here in Texas with mom. It’s nice to be able to have focused time with mom to help her, and even just talk about the simplest day-to-day tasks. What I realize is that there is so much of life that happens in every single moment and how we can miss out on the little things when we’re not together more often. And I’m reminded that little things mean the most – hugs, laughter, ‘real, deep’ conversation, and sharing of meals. I’m enjoying it while I can

I’m also reminded how much I love my own bed. Here are some thoughts on…

The Cool Side of the Pillow

It’s the middle of the night. You wake up feeling too warm so you toss off the covers. But that’s not enough. You’re still uncomfortable and your head feels hot too. You raise your head and flip over the pillow. You gently lay your head back down and turn slightly so your cheek is resting against the pillow. You feel the cool pillow case against your face and finally… Ahhh. Relief.

It’s amazing how one such small, perfectly timed touch can make such a huge difference.

The cool of the other side of the pillow acts as the catalyst to start the chain reaction that brings down the temperature of your whole body. This is not unlike a kind word, a smile or a single act of goodness. Even the smallest of gestures can change the mood and reset the energy and tone for someone’s whole day. The next time you see someone whose internal demeanor could use an adjustment simply “flip the pillow” and let things happen as they will. You can be sure that your compassionate act of sharing your ‘cool’ energy will positively impact them.

Yep, you are that cool! Now, that’s Powerful!

With cool vibes and gratitude, Sue

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  1. Gayle Naftaly

    Grateful for it all, all the way down to the pillow!

  2. Sue Urda

    Me too Gayle! There’s always something to be grateful for. And I LOVE my pillow! 🙂

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