The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

What a swirl of activity has been taking place in my life over the past several months. Some of it was really great and completely joy-filled – like moving to a new home, mini-vacation with mom and sis, and two new book launches. And some of it was not so great,...

Are You Waiting Around?

People wait around all the time. In fact if you ask the question, “What are you doing?” or “What’s next?” the answer often comes back starting with the words “I’m waiting for …” and what follows next can be any number of things:  An idea. Inspiration. More...

Fabric of Life

Think about a time that you were completely wrapped up in a project – worked wholeheartedly and seemingly non-stop and then suddenly, boom…it’s over. Have you ever felt like you don’t know what to do with yourself?  I mean, now that the party is over, the thing...
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