Personal Growth

Time Crunch

Time Crunch

I don’t know about you, but the best way for me to get anything done is to give myself a hard and fast deadline. When I know I have a limited period of time to complete a task some really cool things start happening in my brain and body. It’s as if I find a gear I...

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There’s No Time Like The Present

There’s No Time Like The Present

…THE PRESENT. There’s no time like THE PRESENT. In fact there is no other time… period. You only have the moment that you’re living in. What’s past is past. You can’t change it. You can’t go there again. You can’t re-live what already happened (although many of us do...

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When All Else Fails Remember, Failure is Simply a Result

When All Else Fails Remember, Failure is Simply a Result

Just like everything else in this life, failure is whatever youthink it is.  So what do you think it is?  Is it a reflection of your character, your brain power or your abilities?  Is it the end of a journey because things didn’t happen as you envisioned?  Or is it...

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It’s Good to have ‘Sheroes’

As a kid, my biggest Sheroe was my mom. I swore she could do anything better and faster than anyone I knew. When we played basketball she even made more baskets than my dad and brothers. I wanted to be like her (except for the part where she cleaned the house so...

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52 Lessons from My Father

52 Lessons from My Father

Today marks 18 years since my father's passing from this earthly plane and I will be spending this day honoring our relationship, our love and the many lessons I learned from him. I am grateful for having shared time with my father during his 52 years on this planet....

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Secrets, Fibs and Skirting My Truth

Secrets, Fibs and Skirting My Truth

I sat on the edge of my bed and wiped the sleep from my eyes when suddenly I realized my mother was standing before me. What’s she holding in her hand? I wondered. Her words rang in my head as an enormous surge of adrenalin rushed through my tired mind and my whole...

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Fringe-Dwellers, Nuts and Weirdos: Creativity and You

Fringe-Dwellers, Nuts and Weirdos: Creativity and You

“Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training.” - Anna Freud Creativity is something borne of imagination--something that is new and different.  It is not imitative or already in existence.  Something truly created by the mind is not...

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What Are You Made Of?

What Are You Made Of?

Are you a stone or a gem?  Are you a caterpillar or a butterfly?  Are you a word or a book?  No matter where you are in your life… you are complete just as you are. Every stage of your life, every stage of your growth is exactly perfect in and of itself. Your image in...

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Genius is Immediate ~ True Talent Takes Time

Genius is Immediate ~ True Talent Takes Time

We all know someone who we think is a genius.  They always seem to have a brilliant idea, an incredible thought or a unique way of looking at things.  These people are an amazement to most of us who can count our truly brilliant ideas on one hand.  The most...

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There’s No Time Like the Present.

There’s No Time Like the Present.

You’ve heard it before – and it bears repeating – there’s no time like the present. What this speaks to is the value of this very moment. As far as you know, it’s the only one you’ve got; and every single moment after the one you’re in is a bonus. Living in the NOW is...

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Trying and Failing

Trying and Failing

This past month I entered a contest and lost. I didn’t win. I didn’t get the prize. I didn’t get the title. I failed. AND…I am already looking for the next contest, and I’ll be happy again even if I fail. Why? Am I a glutton for punishment? No, in fact it is exactly...

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Fabric of Life

Fabric of Life

Think about a time that you were completely wrapped up in a project - worked wholeheartedly and seemingly non-stop and then suddenly, boom…it’s over. Have you ever felt like you don’t know what to do with yourself?  I mean, now that the party is over, the thing is...

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Back to Basics

Back to Basics

In times of turmoil, angst and strife we seek comfort in that which we call ‘normal’.  We look for signs of what we know to be true, and we look for feelings that we are familiar with.  Truly when we experience an upheaval of any kind, there are moments of...

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A Father’s Day Tribute ~ 52 Lessons from My Father

A Father’s Day Tribute ~ 52 Lessons from My Father

1. Never put anything in writing that you wouldn’t want your parents to see. 2. You can do anything you put your mind to. 3. Never be afraid to say and stand by what you believe in. 4. If what you want to say will not bring good to a situation, don’t say anything at...

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What’s Your Tipping Point?

What’s Your Tipping Point?

There is a specific point in time, a special number when reached that a critical mass meets the outer limit of its’ current comfort zone… At that very second, the scales tip, never to return again to their former existence and place in the world. It is at this time...

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Do You Give Away Your Power?

Do You Give Away Your Power?

As you move through each day, there are many moments of choice. In fact, your whole day is made up of choices. The question is, are you consciously choosing your course of action, or are you submitting to the whims and wishes of others without taking in to account...

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Waiting for Perfect

Do you find yourself checking your list – checking it twice?  Are you gonna find out if it’s finished and nice?  Are you like countless others who check and re-check their work as much as ten or more times before deciding that it’s good enough for someone else’s...

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