Business Growth
Make a Bigger Difference
To all change makers and lightworkers, YOU are already making a unique and meaningful contribution to the empowerment of individuals through your work, your relationships, and your actions. I know it's important to you and, if you're like us, you want to make an even...
The Power of Focused Energy
Scattered beams of sunlight illuminate our entire planet. The same scattered beams, when concentrated through a piece of glass, can set a leaf on fire. This same concept of focus works for your thoughts, feelings and actions. When you are feeling “scatter-brained” it...
Imagine having 20 immediately-actionable tips to grow your business. Now imagine that these tips come from individuals who have your best interest at heart… And imagine that these tips will not only help you grow your business but help you stay aligned with your...
How Personal Development affects your life and business…
Personal Development and Spiritual Growth is so undervalued when it comes to the role it plays in business growth and success. Surveys show that 80% of people spend less than $200 on their personal development annually. What they probably don’t realize is that it’s...
Today’s To-Do’s and Other Potentially Unnecessary Things
"Life is now. There was never a time when your life was not now, nor will there ever be." ~ Eckhart Tolle Deadlines are looming and as you cross one thing off your to-do list, another item quickly replaces it. When you look at your to-do list, you know that there are...
Wisdom of the Hawk
“Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?” ~Rose Kennedy Look to the heavens and you may see a hawk, a seagull, a crane or another species of bird soaring high above the earth. There is much we can...
Politicians and Comedians … The Common Thread
We all love to hear a rousing speech from our favorite politician. We are transfixed by every word and moved by innuendo. We hang tight as they relate the challenges, the pitfalls, the struggles and the plateaus. We celebrate with them as they regale the victories,...
Why Raving Fans Matter
In order to have any level of success in any area of your life, you must have at least a few raving fans. Raving fans come in many varieties and sometimes they come from where you might least expect it. Some Raving Fans are “Born” into Your Life These would be your...
Transform the world and build a global profitable business –Yes, it’s possible!
Transform the world and build a global profitable business –Yes, it's possible! I'm so excited! On Friday 5/15 at 4:00pm EST, I'm speaking during Nikkea B. Devida's“Secrets to Going Global: 12 change agents share tips, tools, and training for building a global 6-7...
If You Want to Grow Your Business You Have to Grow Your Self
Personal Development and Spiritual Growth is so undervalued when it comes to the role it plays in business growth and success. Surveys show that 80% of people spend less than $200 on their personal development. What they probably don’t realize is that it’s directly...
Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket
As long as I can remember, I have opted for putting all of my eggs in one basket. I simply decided what I wanted and went for it; and nine times out of ten, I got it! I was never a fan of second and third choices either, unless it involved ice cream flavors or pizza...
Thinking Big – Starting Small
Looking at a new project can be invigorating, exciting and thrilling! It can bring a skip to your step and a new sense of energy to your being. It can ‘refresh’ a previously stale or stuck business or relationship. At the same time, it can bring with it anxiety,...
The Power of Making Real Connections – 7 Tips
In our society today, “connections” is a huge buzz word. If you are connected, you are someone who has access to and influence with the “right” people. The “right” people will vary depending on certain situations that arise. At times, we may desire connections in...
Does Your Business Still Move You?
When you started your business you were thrilled and excited by the amazing possibility that lay before you. The plans, the projections, the partnerships, the autonomy, the freedom, the bliss, the prospect of clients flocking to you in droves and lots of money...
Open Your Mind to Possibility
In the reading of the bestselling book Women, Food and God, I found myself immersed in the possibility of release. Release from a lifetime of feeling caught up in so many emotions about food. What Geneen Roth taught me through the pages of her book is that we are...
Work WITH the Law of 80/20
There is a law that states that there is an 80/20 proportion that may be applied to most results in our lives. In most cases 80% of results are attributable to 20% of efforts. Over many facets of life, we see this law being reflected and proved out time and again. ...
Your Personal Brand – It’s an Inside Job
Are in the business of selling products or are you in the business of selling services? No matter what you are selling, the most important aspect of any selling you do has nothing to do with what you are selling. Sure the basics have to be in place – price, quality,...
Exponential Returns
In business there is a principle that we know about, but don’t discuss as often as would seem logical. This principle states that we should choose to do those things that will benefit us, not only for today, but will continue to reap benefits and rewards for years to...